  • Blue Eyes Sparkled

    I stood in the doorway and saw a young child
    Her hair was bright blonde and a little wild
    Her blue eyes sparkled especially as the tears arose
    In her eyes, the heartbreak was exposed
    I stepped closer to the young girl and picked her up
    Pulling her into me, letting the tears erupt
    I tuck her hair behind her ear
    Soothing her saying “I am here”
    I look at her examining the pain she feels
    Through the tears, sobs, and cries she reveals
    In the moment, I’m her mama
    Saving her from the trauma
    She is safe and sound in my arms
    Quieting down those inner alarms
    When she’s safe, she’s full of smiles and glee
    She’s strong, observant and smiley
    She loves the dress with flowers that are blue
    Twirling around without her shoes
    When the rain pours she dances around
    And plays in puddles on the ground
    She loves to run and race neighborhood boys
    She always wins and they are annoyed
    Drawing is a favorite thing for her to do
    Winning art awards with ribbons of blue
    At recess on the swings she freely flies
    Using her hand to reach the bright sky
    She is brave, funny, sweet and genuinely loves
    Always willing to help just because
    Riding her bike she feels the wind through her hair
    Peddling fast and enjoying the solitaire
    Rollerblades, jump ropes, and running so fast
    Making up dances and having a blast
    She is a child full of love, hope, and cheer
    Smiling from ear to ear
    I am the mama in the doorway
    And I am here to stay
    I will keep her as safe as can be
    Because that little girl… she is me.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Destiny, this is such a beautiful poem. The innocence and pure joy that is radiated off of children always bring a smile to my face. Little you sounds like even though she was sad sometimes, she was a great kid and she would be so happy to know that she grew up to be a fantastic adult with a caring and beautiful heart. Great work ♥

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