
whitjr's Letters

Ray Whitaker

Note from a Poet

What are we doing as poets? To whom are we writing? It cannot be only for ones-self, not only for some sort of self-edification.

I write for the everyday person, for those pictures in our minds we all carry. So many great poets have gone before, I’ve nearly let that intimidate me in the past, causing an unappreciated inertia.

However there…read more

Ray Whitaker


She just showed up with it one day

the patient I cannot name here.

She had been one of those few patients

that I’d allowed myself to get too close to

guess that we had come to know each other

over the several years it took

to get two, t-w-o, double lung transplants

such a vivacious twenty-something

progeny of excellently smart parents…read more

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