

  • Harper,
    Sorry for not responding I forgot my log in information and often am busy. I just want to say I appreciate your kind words. They mean more than I can explain and encourage me to keep on writing. It moves me to know how my poem made you feel. Your words are the kind that I will carry with me always. Thank you thank you thank you!
    Also I appreciate it, I’ll keep it in mind if I need to talk to someone that I can turn to you.
    I hope you have a wonderful day, week, month, rest of year.
    We should keep in touch!

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  • 8 year old me, let's chat.

    I hear you call my name
    The sound so sweet and delicate. Traces of vanilla and honey lace around every word you say. Despite what they have said you’re a wonderful kid.
    You’re just afraid.
    I won’t repeat the cold words they say but I’m sure you already know them.
    Im sure you know your nose shape, the way it crinkles when you laugh at something dumb. I’m sure you know how loud you are but your silence is far louder.
    I know you see the way you eat, im happy to watch you indulge happily.
    I know you know the way they talk about you like you’re not even there.
    Well i see you.
    I know they didn’t like to hug you. My arms are open wide, always. They don’t even compliment you but I couldn’t stop staring at the rare beauty you hold. Im gladly the beholder. I know you’ve been hurt in ways you really can’t understand, I’m sorry I can’t undo the pain. But I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again.
    You’re a pure soul who continued on, despite these thoughts you don’t understand.
    Despite your small mind having been shattered, you’re still innocent, loving, and I want to love you forever.
    You bring a joy that can’t ever be replaced.
    You take my hand and it’ll be okay because I won’t ever let go.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow. Just wow. This genuinely brought tears to my eyes. First of all, you are a wonderful writer, the emotion you convey is so powerful and relatable. Second, I am so sorry for what you had to go through. I can’t even imagine the time you had to spend healing from such things. You are truly a warrior! I am so glad that you have removed yourself…read more

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      • Harper,
        Sorry for not responding I forgot my log in information and often am busy. I just want to say I appreciate your kind words. They mean more than I can explain and encourage me to keep on writing. It moves me to know how my poem made you feel. Your words are the kind that I will carry with me always. Thank you thank you thank you!
        Also I…read more

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