

  • Thank you so much ! Your kind words are truly appreciated. My first book is called Love All Over and is available on Amazon. I launch my second book on September 8th of this year and will reply back then with the name and where you can get a copy 💙

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  • You're The Reason

    You’re the reason – a poem to my younger self by Talesha Wright.

    They say when you’re a child, you learn your most important lessons.
    That’s quite a lot of pressure put on you as an adolescent.
    But by golly, you internalized every lesson, and on any foolishness, you didn’t dwell.
    And though life wasn’t perfect, any strife, you carried it well.

    You’re the reason I am here today, writing you this letter.
    Because of you, I am the best version of myself, I couldn’t do any better.
    You took what you were given- you listened and you learned.
    It’s like you knew what was in store, so for knowledge is what you yearned.

    You made me tough, you made me strong. You made me quite resilient.
    The way you navigated what you were presented with, is actually quite brilliant.
    You moved with purpose, you moved with poise.
    You stayed focused, but still indulged in the childhood joys.

    Without all that you were, I wouldn’t be me today.
    I wouldn’t have had a strong foundation on which my future would lay.
    Your smiles made people love you, your honesty made people trust you.
    Your dedication made others admire you, your discipline made others respect you.

    You always wanted to be a writer, well baby girl, your dream came true.
    Your second book is coming out. The first was red, and this one is blue.
    You connect with others so well with words, did you know that’s how you’d be?
    You started writing in 5th grade, who knew it’d be your catalyst to becoming financially free.

    Even though you were just a child, you prepared me so well.
    And I’m grateful for all you did and that you picked yourself up when you fell.
    I won’t let you down baby girl, you put some hard work in.
    Now I’ll take over and ensure everything you wanted to challenge yourself with, you’ll win.

    Talesha L. Wright

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Talesha, this is so good! Your younger self would be SO proud of you. You have faced many challenges, but you never let it get the best of you. You are so resilient and your perseverance is why you are who you are today! Great work!!

      By the way, what’s the name of your book? I would love to support you! ♥

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      • Thank you so much ! Your kind words are truly appreciated. My first book is called Love All Over and is available on Amazon. I launch my second book on September 8th of this year and will reply back then with the name and where you can get a copy 💙

        Write me back 

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