  • Miracle


    Our resilience came at a price…..

    It’s no wonder our parents named us Miracle they knew exactly what we would need to survive this kind of life.

    You are a variation of strong that you never knew you could be until we needed to.

    I love everything about you that you once hated!
    The smile that you dialed back will be the one that gets you seen It shows you’re not mean

    Your dark skin that gave them amo to treat you so mean

    Will keep you connected to your ancestors and spiritual team !

    Our ability to feel others is a super power !

    Just keep your mine sane in your darkest hours

    you are shakable…..yet ……unbreakable

    Sincerely You


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Miracle, this is so good! You have been through a lot and even though it was tough, you were so resilient and I am so proud of you for working through that. Although it was difficult, and at times you may want to forget they ever happened, the hardships that you faced helped shape you into who you are today! You are so strong and you should be proud of who you have become. ♥

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