  • Marmalade

    I close my eyes and remember all the things I loved about this chocolate little girl
    The way she fearlessly belted every note, snapping her fingers in the mirror as she’d twirl
    The rhythm would flow through her like a river reminding her to remain steady in the stream
    This was a time when she believed in herself so much, she envisioned living her wildest dreams
    I loved how she approached life with a carefree giggly attitude
    How she’d sang every melody with courage, power, and gratitude
    She’d stand in the mirror using the remote as her microphone
    She felt unstoppable hopping on the bed to use as her stage, completely in her zone
    I loved how she’d create beauty so unashamed of her art
    How she carried infinite joy and resilience in her heart
    I remember when she made a song about marmalade
    And it was high key catchy even though her little brother threw shade
    I loved to ride the waves of her imagination as she’d create without guilt or shame
    She had this tenacious audacity that reminded others her fire could never be contained
    She’d clothe herself in ambition and determination to speak
    Especially when her mom crafted her outfits so classy, elegant, and chic
    As I heal and return to embracing all those things I loved about the younger you
    I release every limiting belief that convinced you your dreams wouldn’t come true
    Your ancestors are guiding, protecting, and propelling you forward, right on queue
    Whispering, “Rise up queen, this reflection of love is your breakthrough!”

    Tiffany Narvise

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tiffany, I love the passion and hear that you put into this piece! Little you would be so proud of who she has become and how kind and wise you are today. She would be so happy to know that she looked back on herself and realized how great of a kid she was and how her actions back then still have an effect on her today. I’m so glad that you have such a positive and loving relationship with your younger self and that you didn’t leave her behind. So sweet ♥

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      • Thank you so so much Harper for your beautiful insight and encouragement. I am grateful for the courage to share this love journey and the ability advocate for and express myself freely.❤

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        • I love that! You are so welcome, I am happy to help you out during this journey!! Keep expressing how you feel, it will help you grow ☻

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