  • thesplinter93 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

    You’re Good Girl

    Calm the F*** down.
    You still wear the crown.
    Still tearing shit up,
    and holding shit down.

    Still got that drip.
    You’re making them drown.
    Still hot as hell.
    You’re burning up ground.

    Take all the insults,
    forget how they sound.
    You’re leaving em behind,
    tossed in the lost and found.

    The people who matter,
    well, they’ll be down.
    The a******* who don’t,
    you don’t f***ing need around.

    Ignore those haters,
    their whispers and frowns.
    Say “see ya later”.
    You don’t need those clowns.

    You’ll leave your mark
    On every city and town.
    You’ll find your happy ending,
    Like Cinderella without the gown.

    You’ll weigh in against life,
    And you’ll match it pound for pound.
    You’ll get up from every blow,
    and you’ll take it to the ground.

    And when the day comes,
    That you’re no longer around,
    Everyone will recognize your name,
    They’ll never forget the sound.

    ~ Rachel G. Ezell


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