

  • Motivational Change

    16 years old being taken from my mom.
    ”what did I do mom?”
    moving from place to place.
    asking my caseworker if I’ll ever be happy again,
    never getting an answer.
    some places I would have to stay at,
    I would get my life ripped from me.
    even times where,
    they would hurt me.
    but every caseworker I ever had,
    if I told them I would be told,
    ”you’re just looking for attention.”
    but I wasn’t.
    when I turned 18 they couldn’t find me a placement.
    so they told me
    we are probably gonna leave you,
    to live on the streets.
    that terrified me thinking, am I that horrible?
    I decided I would go get a job.
    if they won’t help me, I’ll help myself.
    but right as I got a job
    my caseworker told me I’m apparently
    not allowed to get a job.
    I told them I understood but kept the job behind their backs.
    eventually they found a place for me.
    so I packed my one bag together and went with them there.
    right from the start I had my guard up.
    I went to independent living apartments so I was stuck with workers still.
    at least I have my own little apartment.
    continuing to push myself in work and school.
    learning to count on myself instead of others for help.
    starting in my free time writing.
    reflecting on what has all happened.
    ”I still don’t understand why I was treated like this.”
    ”this is why I wanna be a caseworker”
    ”show kids more respect and what kindness feels like”
    now 19 years old starting college late September
    moved into an adult foster home with lovely folks who I consider family.
    starting to experience what happiness and love actually feels like.
    loving myself for who I am.
    knowing nobody needs to change for others.

    Theo Curtis

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My dad had Glioblastoma also. Thank you. <3

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  • Love never ends

    Love never ends.
    Always remember that even if their,
    Not here anymore on earth.
    They love you so much.
    They’re always with you no matter what.
    Especially my dad.
    It wasn’t his choice to pass away.
    He got very ill.
    The doctors didn’t know how to treat it.
    He fought till he couldn’t any longer.
    And I loved him deeply.
    I remember always bringing in his,
    Work bag when he got home.
    His favorite animals were monkeys.
    He loved big banana laffy taffy just like me.
    When he died,
    I felt like I didn’t properly say goodbye.
    He passed away 10 years ago.
    But I still haven’t properly said goodbye.
    I’m still trying to hold onto all of him.
    He didn’t choose to get brain cancer or to die.
    And the doctors should’ve,
    Been able to understand how to handle brain cancer.
    Instead of tossing between doctors who didn’t know anything.
    But love never ends.

    Theo Curtis

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Theo, I am so sorry for your loss. I love when you say “love never ends” because it so accurate. When you love someone and lose them, you never stop loving them. You will always love the person they were and the memories that you shared, even if they aren’t there anymore. I’m happy you found a person like this. ♥

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    • I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad. A friend of mine also died from Brain cancer (Glioblastoma), and his mom told me how little hope the doctors gave him and how frustrating that was. The thing with love though, is love never dies. You will always feel your Dad’s love. It will always be with you. So it’s never “Goodbye,” it’s more “I miss you…read more

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    • oh and my favorite animal is a monkey too 🙂

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