  • Yours Truly

    It took me a while to start this poem to acknowledge you.
    Honestly, I do not know why.
    I did not know what to say to you yet.
    I knew that I would have to be in a vulnerable state with you since the last time we met.
    I want you to know that I love you dearly.
    You mean so much to me.
    You remind me every day of who I am.
    I love how you show up in my creative endeavors as that is where you shine the most.
    You gently give me my daily dosage of fearlessness.
    It reminds me how I was not scared of this thing called life.
    I know you because you did not think twice about anything.
    You live carefree courageously.
    You live life on purpose.
    Honestly, it amazes me how you stay in a positive light.
    You have the spirit of a warrior.
    Even through your tears.
    You are going to stand up and fight.
    I do not think you know how much of a teacher you are to me.
    I look to you when I get lost in this world.
    We were amazing as a little girl.
    Now, it is my turn to carry the torch that you ignited.
    I want you to know that you are safe, you can relax, and that I got it.
    You will be proud of me as much as I am proud of you.
    I love you.

    ZHay Moorer

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Zhaytria, I love this so much!! Seeing little reminders of our childhood throughout our lives is so beautiful and can be so nostalgic (in the best way possible). I am sure that little Zhay would have been so happy to receive this and to hear that her ‘grown-up’ self has become an amazing person. Keep up the great work ♥♥

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