  • teararw submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your teenage selfWrite a letter to your teenage self 11 months ago

    Worlds Best Kept Secret

    After all these years
    All my faces
    And ages
    One constant has remained true

    All you can do is allow people to be them
    And honor the fact that you are you
    You cannot have expectations for anyone

    Not even loved ones, elders, or mates
    Not even yourself
    We’re all the same

    We all have a story that made us some way
    So, it’s only your job to show up as you and allow them to do to the same
    Show your love the same
    Remember, no one’s ever to blame

    If you don’t enjoy how they show up, look within
    If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, look within
    Then decide how you can show up in a way that serves you, decide if doing “it” even serves you and go from there even if that means no longer “showing up”
    Trust you know what’s best
    Because as long as you know you and you stand true then the comfort, the love, the radiance, peace and happiness it’ll all be within
    You’ll know when to give, when to stay silent, when to speak, when to show up, and when to remove yourself
    Regardless of who or what you encounter , you’ll remain free
    No baggage, no weight, acceptance is a beautiful thing

    You’ll be walking, living, breathing love
    You’ll be valued while adding value by simply being you
    Relationships will flourish
    Life is more beautiful this way
    All because of the power in you
    Your ability to “choose” is a virtue
    Treat it is as such and emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual balance will be your preset
    Chaos does not have to be a expected
    Free you
    Do no harm to yourself or others
    And accept all your challenges with faith
    That’s the real secret
    That’s where the abundance is at …
    Because there truly are no limits once you get to the point of honoring your gift of “choice”
    Combine it with good intent and the world is yours

    Letter to my younger self just love yourself, love this life, and focus on your growth
    Don’t let life shape you into a someone you don’t know

    Worlds best kept secret
    Pray, Learn, Grow

    Teara Renee

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    • I love this and feel so much peace reading it. It simplifies life, which often feels so complicated. I love this idea”Regardless of who or what you encounter, you’ll remain free
      No baggage, no weight, acceptance is a beautiful thing” You free yourself by how you choose to live and this letter reminds us that there is so much we can’t control as far as what happens in life but there is also so much we can control in terms of how we respond. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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    • The growth and evolution in you is amazing. Thank you for being transparent within the community. I needed this. Deciding to grow up and show up in the way that “serves” you is what I needed. That is why I am parenting my child differently than I was raised and much more differently then how my mother and grandmother was raised. I am praying for your peace and sending you much love and light. Thanks again for sharing.

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