

  • The Adults

    You learn later that the adults never learn later
    That they keep smoking
    And the bottles are just now hidden under their beds
    That the salts and sugars on the soul food never lessen
    And their parents arguing still lives in their heads
    That the morals you grew up with just must be the ones that lay in your casket
    Says your grandmother “that ain’t how you were raised…”
    But your roll your eyes
    gripping the neck of your bottle of wine
    Learn that the adults never learn later

    Taylor Bennett

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • I think that as kids, we think, or maybe we hope, that adults all have life figured out – only to realize they are all too human. Many carry pain and unhealed trauma from a past that you may or may not know about. I think the key is figuring out how to make sure other people’s issues and problems don’t become your own and that you take the steps…read more

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  • Inner Child

    Dear inner child
    My sweet inner child
    I love many things about you
    When crayons smashed against egg shell colored paper became
    keys paired with hours of a blinding screen
    You sat behind me in a torn computer chair
    ” type faster, dork”
    When our first and only love
    in middle school
    Turned into our second and third In our teenage years
    You made sure to bring lilies to the doorstep
    every heart break
    When listening to hours and hours of our parents yell on Rodney St
    words seeping through the threads of our pillow cases
    Turned into hours and hours of yelling at my boyfriends through
    The phone
    You hugged my leg sticking out your tongue at them
    When chuckling to our grandma about her fear of planes
    as we sat on a 20 hour ride to Florida on a train
    Melted into choking on my tears
    forced to stare at a pot holding her ashes
    You sat in my lap and held my hand
    When Disney movies at nine years old
    stayed Disney movies at twenty
    You sung louder to Kiss The Girl
    And threw popcorn in the air
    The thing that I love most is
    That you’ve stayed by my side through every change
    every phase
    Even when life grabs me by the neck and tells me to
    “Grow up”,
    And let go of you
    You stand tall and whisper
    every time

    Taylor Bennett

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Taylor, I love how you encourage keeping that childhood wonder and innocence. If we don’t keep some of it, we will become jaded fast. It is truly amazing how resilient we are, and I am inspired by the way you grow from each heartbreak and setback. Thank you for sharing your experiences!

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