

  • The View of Me

    It’s easy, you see.

    To call forth,
    And bring to the surface
    parts of me that I hold close and cherish.

    My inner child, I hold her hand. Daily.
    “It’s going to be okay”.
    I say, to that breath full beauty of a budding poet.
    An emerging friend of everyone.

    It’s easy, you see.
    For I’m more her than the
    Grown women that I’m “supposed” to be.

    I’m more the girl, who still escapes from pain.
    Or, more like bursts- under pressure, but only functions that way……Eventually….
    Kind of girl.
    I’m more The Girl. Then the brave Queen from which my pen always speaks.
    She’s close too, you see.
    All the versions of me I can believe into reality.
    Sweet girl, you see!
    She is you,
    is I and me.

    Oh, how I’m in love with your beauty and awe of earth’s precious things!
    Don’t ever be afraid to speak!
    You never know whose ears and heart will ring in recognition…
    For It is known, that we are all one.
    Past, future, and present.
    Forever linked.

    Shawna Lee Katharina Marinello

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shawna, this is so beautiful. I am so happy that your kindness and love have never diminished throughout your life. I love where you said “Past, future, and present. Forever linked.” Your past made you who you are today and you should always be grateful for everything that you have gone through because it made you into the wonderful person that…read more

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