  • Small Space

    Tonight the stars are filled with wishes,
    I see your eyes,
    They beam and glisten.
    Praying to sew up your stitches,
    Pleading for someone just to listen.
    Your little heart of anticipation,
    Brain filled with imagination.
    Braver than a toy soldier,
    Too young to be older.
    Patience of the highest preacher,
    You hoped to one day reach her.
    Although small and fragile hearted,
    You stayed alive, now life has started.

    Skye Eads

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Skye, I love this. I am so happy that your childhood was filled with hopes and dreams. My favorite part of this is “now life has started” because so many kids think that little mistakes will define their lives and/or ruin them forever. But this is so far from the truth. Learning to make mistakes will only make you smarter and wiser. Life starts when you stop caring about the things that won’t matter in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. I admire your perspective and your optimism. Great work ♥

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