

  • “Robert Mapplethorpe”

    love photos of
    black bodies
    dancing across screens
    taken with stolen apertures

    it’s a silly game me and the plane
    back n forth
    my skin not yet shiny enough
    not yet translucent
    theirs blasting with luminosity

    wanna kiss the boy in that
    tell him he’s okay
    don’t need to be no shiny dancer
    but then again
    who’s gonna kiss the little girl in
    and tell her she’s alright
    i’m scared they will drown her
    in tales of african hymnals
    from the mouth of an ivory individual
    or maybe of lessons learned
    through the guise of a
    forgetful father or
    intentional deceiver
    either way lessons
    engraved in the pretty
    skull all the way

    Olive Bea

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Olive, your writing is so creative. The pressure that you had put on yourself at such a young age must have been so difficult to cope with. I am so proud of you for working through that and understanding that none of it was truly your fault. Realizing this and overcoming it has made you a stronger person!! ♥

      Write me back 

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