

  • Little Bird

    Little bird,
    I like your hair.
    Little bird,
    I like your smile.
    Little bird,
    I like your singing.
    Little bird,
    I like your mind.
    Little bird,
    I like your jokes.
    Little bird,
    I know you would prefer if I loved these things about you, and on some level, I do.

    But there’s a quality that I love the most.
    I’ll give you a hint.
    Mom says you need to change it,
    And others make fun of you for it.
    No, it’s not your weight.
    No, it’s not the way you talk.
    No, it’s not your curly hair.
    Little bird, it’s your heart.

    It’s so big and ready to share with anyone who needs it.
    I know it’s hard now because you get hurt very easily, but little bird, your heart is special. It’s your heart that made me who I am today, not your hair.
    It’s your heart that tells me what to do, not your mind.
    It’s your heart that makes me try to do better, not your singing or your jokes.
    It’s your heart that gives to others still, not your smile but it helps.

    Everything I listed is a byproduct of your heart. They are the things that make you who you are, and the things that we are not.

    So don’t worry about what people like
    Because I love the way you love the world and everybody in it.

    Shirley Bird

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Shirley. I loved this letter! I am so sorry that people criticized you for those things. People can be cruel and inconsiderate sometimes, but it was never your fault. Despite that, I adore that you persevered through those things and always saw the good in people. That is a rare and beautiful trait to have. I am so proud of you for always…read more

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