

  • THIS is the time.

    This is the time.
    Stop waiting for payday, to lose 5 more pounds, for next year, when the kids are a little older, when you have more time off from work, for the holidays, to send that text, make that call, tell them how you feel, apologize, give that hug, make that leap, ask for help, quit your job, get that divorce, to eat the cake, to buy the dress, put on the bathing suit, laugh, love, live. This is the time.

    Living in the moment, S

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Hold on to your dream, you'll see it again.

    Dearest little Shauna,
    You will become everything you hope, just now how, or when you plan to. There will come a point where you will doubt everything you ever believed in and surrender to the life you never asked for. Your life will be tragically beautiful. However, you will find that spark you lost so long ago on the road of heartache and tragedy, and that spark will create a version of yourself that will be stronger and loved more than you ever thought possible. The little girl you are now will resurface at almost 40 years old and you will finally live your life dream and become a teacher. Along that road, sweet Shauna, when faced with each obstacle, know you are only being prepared for a life you have only dreamt about. You will find happiness, true love, and confidence to follow your dream after years of being told you would never be good, or smart enough. You will meet a man who will heal a heart he didn’t shatter, your love will create the family you had stopped praying for, and you will have the support and strength from a village you don’t know you have yet and will live the dream you have right now. Hold on. Hug your brother. You won’t want to know, but you will regret it. Trust me. Say yes. It won’t end how you think, but he will give you a reason to live when you need it most. Don’t be afraid to say yes again. He is your happily ever after. You are enough. You always have been, you will remember that down the road.

    Love, You

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shauna, I am so sorry for what has happened to you. You are so strong and I can’t believe someone would say such things to you. Your bravery and perseverance through such a challenging time are very admirable and I look up to people like you! Congratulations on becoming a teacher; you have come so far!!

      Write me back 

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