

  • The Irony of Us

    Hey Little Dude,

    Life is good and ironically, not easier. Speaking of irony, it is not scarce let me tell you. You know how you’re always crying out to me for support? Turns out dad was right; phones do work both ways and in our top-secret call log I am not always the receiver.

    In your early twenties your spirituality can flourish igniting your awakening. I know you can’t exactly understand what that means but let’s just say you get weirder (in the best way). I know the loneliness is heavy sometimes. As you become me, you won’t believe me but, I promise you’ll prefer it. I know how uninteresting you feel compared to the kids with the longtime friends and the latest tech and clothes and the extracurriculars. I know people just seem to know who they are and what they want and where they’ll go. Just become more present, it will pay off.

    You know how people apparently have midlife crises? Well, they sure do forget to mention the quarter life one… Mines could have and should have solidified me to be the muse for a modern-day Girl Interrupted. P.S. little dude, your taste in movies withstand the test of time, a flex for sure.

    Anyways, yes you will go slightly insane but bro it’s like an interactive horror movie, only survival is guaranteed. Like I said, life is good!

    Obviously, you know I can’t give you too many details on our life because rule one of time travel, duh.

    I can, however, share a couple details that you fail to realize in real time. You think you’re resilient for your age but no. You are by far the strongest part of me and don’t let the weight of that compliment go over your head. We do believe ourselves to be stronger than most after all. Oh, to be clear there are 3 prominent parts of us. Good news, you and I count as two out of the three.

    Furthermore, you are just so darn smart, I wish all humans knew children are teachers as well. Your intelligence: I’m still unpacking the magnitude of it.
    You contain most answers regarding the wonders of life. Uninteresting my ass, more like an unreachable target audience kiddo. Everything everyone thinks is cool about me, I stole from you.

    I come to you more than you know. Do not feel indebted to me and I’ll do my best to reciprocate, deal?

    Love, Big Dude <3

    P.P.S. You can drop your fear of death because, and I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but, you’re immortal. I cannot say that about the other two.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This letter to “little dude” is such an inspiration to me! You mention all the best parts of your younger self to hype him up, which I think is beautiful. Even though life isn’t always easy and you’ve made mistakes, you are proud of who you have become. Little dude would be proud too! Thank you for sharing.

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