

  • Adolscent Reminiscing

    It’s been a long spell
    When you were knee-high
    Something on my noggin’
    Reckon there’s something I ought to tell you

    Sebastian, listen with open ears…
    Where do I begin
    Your sweetness and kindness
    Ampleness soaked in benevolence
    Wrapped in kindliness
    Friendliness head-to-toe
    Spreading like pollen essence; dog days reminiscent
    Innocence embodied in adolescence
    Family and friends alike
    Not knowing what a stranger was
    Welcome arms spread

    So sweet
    Curious and bewildered by the world
    Grit and determination by the boatload
    Many of hardships
    Things clear like the open sea
    Nicknamed “Bass”
    Now they call us “Seabass”

    A sweet child with a temper
    Trouble was your middle name
    Never backed down
    Got a lot of dirty looks
    Fist fights and bullies
    Being half Korean and White is a blessin’
    Not everyone saw it that way

    Money wasn’t a priority
    Content with less

    A bright young buck
    Forever intertwined and embedded in my soul
    In my heart, you’ll always remain
    All the same

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Sebastian, this is a beautiful tribute to who you were as a child. It is great that you can look back at yourself and see the sweetness and kindness of your youth. Though life often changes and hardens us, there is still a glimmer of that innocence we had as children. Thank you for sharing your poetry.

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