  • Dear Beautiful Girl- A Letter to My 12 Year Old Self

    Dear Beautiful Girl,

    I am writing this letter to remind you of your beauty and kindness. Your trust in others and your love for animals are traits I deeply admire. Despite your husband’s dismay, your love for animals will always remain strong. Your connection with them is pure and unwavering, a testament to your compassionate heart. I understand your need to fit in, to feel wanted, and to be loved. When you look in the mirror, you might see flaws, but I see a beautiful girl who just wants to feel safe and accepted for who she truly is.

    I want you to know that I am deeply sorry I couldn’t always protect you. Life hasn’t been easy for you, and I regret that I couldn’t shield you from the pain and hardships you’ve faced. However, I will always honor and cherish you. You have shown remarkable strength and resilience, and there is so much ahead for you—things you can only dream about right now. I know the pain you faced this year, and I am so proud of you for not giving up. You are a survivor through and through, and your perseverance is a testament to your inner strength.

    I know your hopes and dreams, and I believe with all my heart that you will achieve them. One day, you will be an amazing mom. You will nurture and guide your children with the same love and care that you show to those around you. You will work hard and finally recognize just how smart and capable you are. Your intelligence and determination will take you far, and you will accomplish things you never thought possible.

    One day, you will find love and learn what it means to have healthy, fulfilling relationships. You will recognize your worth and feel confident in yourself. The love you deserve is out there, and when it finds you, it will be beautiful and transformative. You will finally start writing, even though it took longer than you expected. Your words will flow, and your stories will inspire others. We will get there together, step by step.

    Sweet Girl,

    You are so brave, and you will need to keep being brave for a little while longer, but you will endure. The road ahead may be challenging, but you have the strength to overcome any obstacle. When you feel like you’re alone, remember that I am here. It’s you and me against the world. Your experiences, both good and bad, have shaped me into the person I am today. I will cherish and appreciate you for all that you are.

    I will embrace your mistakes, your heartaches, your fears, and most importantly, your dreams. Your dreams are the light that guides you forward, and I believe in them as much as I believe in you. You are brave. You are kind. You are important. Never forget these truths, even when the world tries to tell you otherwise



    Savannah Prince

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Savannah, I love this so much. I am so sorry for what you had to go through as a child. As sad as it is to say, many kids go through the same thing you did. You were then and still are now so beautiful and so strong! I love that you mentioned how good of a mom you have become. Going through tough times is what forms our personality and our ability to deal with challenges. These qualities make you a better parent and a person who is overall easier to talk to because you are so wise! Great work ♥

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