

  • Aloha Harper! Mahalo nui for your positive feedback, along with your kindness, compliments and encouragement. I truly appreciate you! You rendered me speechless as I read your statements because I just consider myself “regular”. And yes, the entire experience was all worth it. When I look back on that period of my life, I find myself a bit surprised I had accomplished my goals and exceeded my potential. Thank you for making my day!
    Please take care…Chrys

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  • The Conquer

    Your first attempt
    Shot down.
    He implied
    Success not possible.
    Your life-sustaining health constraints
    The weak point.
    Alternative for you suggested.
    Dream denied.
    Your tenacity at play,
    Second chance requested.
    Humanitarian assigned,
    Acceptance granted.
    Ultimate goal
    Despite tough and demanding roads,
    Obstacles of academia,
    Dates with the machine three times a week,
    Your grit and perseverance
    Enhanced the drive
    Uphill to victory.
    The glory of adversity deflected.
    Strength of the heart
    Reigned supreme.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Chrys, I love this!! You are POWERFUL and I am in awe of your ability to persevere through a challenging time. In the end, it was all worth it! You struggled so that your future could be exactly how you wanted it to be. You should be very proud fo yourself. Congratulations!

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      • Aloha Harper! Mahalo nui for your positive feedback, along with your kindness, compliments and encouragement. I truly appreciate you! You rendered me speechless as I read your statements because I just consider myself “regular”. And yes, the entire experience was all worth it. When I look back on that period of my life, I find myself a bit…read more

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  • Mahalo, Lauren! I am having a great year so far and it is a plus to have been exposed to and accepted into your writing community. I am feeling so blessed!

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  • My Ascension

    Dear Unsealed,

    My name is Chrys Takashige and I am sending my poem for your January writing contest. Thank you for taking the time to consider my entry,

    Take care…Chrys

    My Ascension

    The year to
    rise and shine.
    “So long” to what was.
    “Hello” to what is.
    Still thriving.
    Thankful to be sustained
    by technology and humans
    two decades plus.
    Time to live more freely.
    No cerebral road blocks,
    nor abandoning of self.
    Marching forward
    to where euphoric states await,
    in the ocean, on the greens, up on the hills.
    Returning to acts of love,
    from hermit to butterfly,
    out and about it shall be.
    The dormant right brain
    to be awakened
    on paper, with rhythms and cuisine.
    Moving and grooving
    through each day.
    Attaining yin-yang status
    on the see-saw of life.
    The freedom to choose
    what is ideal
    for the life deserved.
    No more compromising.
    Forget wasting energy.
    Drop the ungrateful.
    Evolve into a light-weight
    ready to fly and soar
    beyond measure.

    Chrys Takashige

    Voting is closed

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    • Aww Chrys! This is a lovely poem. Go fly, go soar, and live your happiest life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Mahalo, Lauren! I am having a great year so far and it is a plus to have been exposed to and accepted into your writing community. I am feeling so blessed!

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