

  • For Me

    Challenge: Letter to My Younger Self

    I love the way you always held the hands of others. How you always stopped to help.

    I love the kindness you held in your heart although you knew very little.

    I love how overjoyed you get over the small things in life. As I still do to this day.

    The sun, the moon, the stars, puppies, and my favorite cookies. We have always loved the same things. Thank you for not letting me forget.

    I have carried you with me and kept you alive, for you know what true joy feels like.

    I did it for you and you would have been so proud to know I am the woman you always needed.

    I protect those I love with grace, fierceness, and understanding, the way you should have been loved.

    Our daughter will grow up to know the feel of the wind on her face and her mama’s abundant kisses not the cold hand of man. Not the harsh screams and cold words of a mother.

    My child will only know that home is her safe place filled with safe people. Thanks to you, you never once gave up. You are so strong and so brave.

    In this new life, bruises, tears, and lies are replaced with baked goods, laughs, and stories around the campfire. Every time I look at the stars I think of you.

    We made it. I have not forgotten where I came from, but we made it. We have our little cottage in the woods, just like Ms. Honey like we always wanted. We only go where we are celebrated and we celebrate others.

    It has not been easy and we have journeyed far down many dark roads, sometimes alone. Sometimes we were fortunate to have others holding our hand.

    To know great light means you have known great darkness. For you may rest now the darkness is over.

    Thank you for holding my hand through my journey to becoming the woman I always needed. The woman I always wanted to be. A woman who loves life and herself. Thank you for always believing in me.

    I remember you with joy and wonder. I still carry you with me as we enjoy the awe of this world. Our future is bright, shrouded in darkness no more.

    Jessica Rutkowski

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Jessica, this is so cute. Even though you have been through a lot and have struggled along the journey of happiness, I am glad that you finally conquered these issues and have made yourself a better and more joyful life, never forgetting about how little you came to be. Amazing work, I enjoyed reading this ♥

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