

  • Desert Rose

    Sweet and gentle desert rose
    Not knowing anything different
    Growing through the toughest environments
    As the memories become distant

    You rooted yourself in curiosity and love
    Watered with compassion
    While the drought of doubt came in waves of emotions
    You stood tall and pulled through the depression.

    For you were young to have such horrible things done
    Who could do that to their own child?
    You took that rain from their desert storms
    And used it to grow wild

    As years have passed
    Now I am a mother,
    I use what you have taught
    To gently lead my mini rose through the desert full of drought

    For, life is hard
    The land is dry
    The summers here are brutal
    But know how to wait for rain and embrace dancing in the puddles.

    Rachelle Wilson

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachelle, what a powerful poem. I can’t even imagine how hard what you went through was. I am so proud of you for not only enduring this but being able to overcome and discuss it here! Little you would be so proud to know that you have become a strong and amazing person!! ♥♥

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