

  • Ocean of Possibilities

    Dearest little one,

    Please forgive me for taking so long to see you, feel you, and acknowledge you. There never has, and never will be, anything more important than our bond, our love.

    Your perseverance has me in awe. You stood resolute in the face of countless situations no child should have to, moving through them in the best way you knew how. I am honored that your strength led to where I am now. Thank you for your bravery and resilience to continue forward, no matter what transpired.

    Your love of learning and desire to help people have blossomed over the years, and I hope you’re proud of who we’ve become and the path we’re on, striving to amplify those traits. We’ve seen a lot and learned even more. I can’t wait to share this next phase of our journey with you, and that we can walk hand in hand into the ocean of possibilities together.

    We’re going to love life more, play with abandon, and exist in our truth of being safe and protected by those who love us. This is going to be an adventure beyond our wildest imaginings.

    I promise to never leave you on your own again, and to share this miraculous life with you like I never have before.

    I love you infinitely, in this life and any others.

    Thank you for walking this life with me, my sweet child.

    Phoenix & Emily

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • YES, Phoenix. I love this! Perseverance is an amazing quality and I am so glad that it worked in your favor. It is so important to stay strong and have energy to get through tough times or else you will be down in the dumps forever! I love that you said you have learned so much. Truly, the best learning experiences are from mistakes. Making…read more

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