

  • “I Can Hold Myself “

    I’m Dangerous,
    Why is loving me hard?,
    Why isn’t loving me so true?,
    And yet in these rooms,
    I think to myself?,
    What could I do?,
    What could I be?,
    Such questions ponder my mind,
    Underneath my smile lays a broken girl in disguise,
    Even in the nights when I’m deep in my grind,
    Inside I’m caged,
    Outside I’m fine,
    Can these broken wings learn to fly?,
    With all this unhealed pain could I touch the sky?,
    I’ve seen many horrors as a teen,
    My molestation,
    My suicidal tendencies,
    My own addictions,
    What did it all mean?,
    As I shed these tears am I still a queen?,
    With my fallen crown am I as royal as they deem?,
    Underneath all this hidden trauma,
    Underneath all these wounds?,
    I no longer want to revisit these hardships for many moons,
    So I’ll look to myself,
    I’ll bandage every cut,
    I’ll climb out of every rut,
    To prove to myself,
    I’m more than enough,
    To prove to myself,
    I’m the diamond in the rough,
    For diamonds require pressure,
    Instead of other’s hands,
    I’ll use my own touch,
    Polishing myself,
    So that I’m not heartbreak’s crutch,
    That’s me through and through,
    Who are you masked man?,
    Inside this poetic ball?,
    I’m OEK,
    Some say blood ties us all,
    Yet I’m treated as an outcast,
    Long nights with tearful eyes,
    Will this pain I ever outlast?,
    I’ll never be enough for him,
    I’ll never be like them,
    Eventually it all boiled over,
    Into drugs,
    Into falling in love on whim,
    Accepting it even in the worst forms,
    How am I so young?,
    Yet I’m under the weather of these old storms,
    How do I deal with neglect?,
    Why create me if I’m not who you’ll protect?,
    These reasons are something I can’t detect,
    Maybe this belt will find them when placed around my neck,
    I’m at my witts end,
    So I’ll come to rebel,
    Only for this life to give me a taste of hell,
    From death and despair,
    To heart’s being torn and worse for wear,
    To my own action I’ll hurt myself,
    I’ll lose my wealth,
    I’ll lose my health,
    Who knew this trial would also make me well,
    Bringing forth my wishes from tossed quarters in the well,
    It took awhile for me to get here,
    Yet I’m on my 24th year,
    Happy as can be,
    That I could present the past me from the current me,
    Stripping the ability of you finding out I’m a memory.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, this poem is truly moving. My favorite line of yours would have to be when you said “To prove to myself, I’m more than enough” because you are 100% enough! You don’t have to live up to any expectations/standards because you are you!! You are unique you are confident you are strong you are brave and I am so proud of you for persevering t…read more

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