

  • You Were Weird

    You were weird
    And quiet
    And you might have been a beast

    Your parents had prayed for an angel
    When you arrived, spent and vacant
    You opened your mouth
    And no song rang out
    Just a confused sort of yelp

    You morphed into an eight-year-old human girl
    Changed your clothes three times a day
    Spun wheels of stories
    Cried without sounds

    Your mother said it was time to start showering
    After coming indoor, greasy and breathless

    Your father never looked at you the same
    Once he caught your legs sprouting spikes of hair
    He told his Wife to hand you the family razor

    But you continued to smell like grass
    Pretending the trees were friends
    The dogs, your sisters

    When you began middle school
    You wrote love poems for your teachers
    Tried out for basketball
    They sent you to get tested for scoliosis
    and the drool

    But you howled the loudest in spring musical
    Made fellow hairy friends
    Who would later hunt you down

    But snarled and unkempt
    Starry-eyed and smelly

    You kept

    You are weird
    And quiet
    And you might be a beast.

    Noelle Parlette

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Noelle, this is such a creative piece. Despite being different from others, I am so happy that you always stayed true to yourself and didn’t back down even when others were against you. Being weird is cool! A world full of identical people would be so boring, so it is important to stand out from the crowd! Great work ♥

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