

  • Humbled to Be a Child (At Heart)

    By: Simone Coleman July 10, 2024

    Dear little me (Simone),
    How I praise you, with many thanks that you are my precious inner child. I thank you, how despite that my physical childhood days are over, I can still enjoy adolescent things in my adulthood as well. Honestly, who said that grown-ups hate to have fun? I’m all grown up, and I don’t hate to have fun and I never will all thanks to you, inmost heart & soul. I especially love and cherish you for being the source of my active imagination. Not to mention my immortality fandom for all my favorite cartoon shows growing up. Such as all things Disney, Danny Phantom, Dr. Seuss and even Sanrio; Hello Kitty & Friends.

    I cannot believe how paranoid I used to be, as I was still processing through puberty and letting other’s disapproval get the better of me. Remember, when our folks used to lecture us, back when we were 13 yrs. old, about still watching cartoons being “immature”? They used to think that we were watching cartoons so much, that we were not focusing enough on reality, they were wrong anyway. It was even hard to have a good laugh, without our expounding Aunt yelling at us to “Stop clowning!” Let us face it, our endless love for cartoons, from the laughs, and exciting adventures the intriguing characters would have in their stories, have always helped us cope through our depression. The comedy and hilarious nonsense would bring us the best medicine to drink in, laughter.

    While reality has often brought us down, and made us feel so lonely in the universe, cartoons have never done that. We both must agree how our active imagination was always our source to “Getting away from it all.” Not to mention how we could often relate to the many figments in our favorite tales, where we felt more welcomed in their fictional world than in our world of corporeality. Furthermore, thanks to our curious, abnormal wonders to the creators of the stories we have known and love, we have soon gained the potential skills to be creative ourselves through literacy and drawing. In conclusion, which is why with these talents we have inherited through our growth and passion for fiction, fun and adventure, grown up me (Simone), plans to spread joy to the children of this generation and the next, with our endless optimism ways, and creativity.

    Overall, I wish to also inspire the children and even the young adults of today that fun, love of pop culture, or cherishing childhood memories never had to depart our lives, just because we’ve got responsibilities now. Let us not also forget how even in the bible God says “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1-3). There is also that to consider, with remaining a child at heart. Let us both remember that growing up (old) physically is mandatory, but remaining young inside is optional.

    Accompanied with deep gratitude.
    Yours truly, Simone (fully-fledge you).

    Mona Griffin

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, Simone, what a great letter. I love your last line where you say “Let us both remember that growing up (old) physically is mandatory, but remaining young inside is optional.” I completely agree with you! Even though your life can change, you decide how to react to those changes and if you want to enjoy and embrace the life you have, or sulk…read more

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  • Our Path of Least Resistance

    It has always been 
    Just you and I
    Where trees and rivers meet

    We swam, we sang
    We played with dolls
    We danced with two left feet

    For all the years
    -from then ‘til now-
    It hardly seems that distant

    And though things change
    -or stay the same-
    We grew up in an instant

    I’ve heard your laugh
    I’ve felt your tears
    I’ve lulled your heart to sleep

    If you should know 
    Of all your pieces
    I’ve always hoped to keep
    Gather on this couch
    With me
    Because my list is steep:

    Your laughter,
    How it fills the room
    Your smile, 
    For shining bright
    The way your heart can break in two
    Yet you appear all right. 

    The way you always push ahead, 
    Fearing nothing under the sun
    How even if you lost it all, 
    You walk away as if you’ve won.
    While twenty-eight is merely a stranger
    To five, and six, and nine

    The memories I’m grateful for
    Have always been yours and mine

    After all has come and gone
    The years, the woes, the distance

    Thank you for never choosing to
    Take the path of least resistance. 


    Ashley Smith

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Ashley, I LOVE this letter. Being a kid can be so fun and what is so interesting to think about is that many things that you do are the first time you have ever done them! Even the smallest things can be so memorable and special to someone. I am glad that you always challenged yourself to become a better person, forever looking to learn more.…read more

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      • Thank you, Harper! I was thrilled to learn of your comment. I completely agree. Now that I am older and have children of my own I try to make sure I am paying more attention to the first times they are doing things, and even noticing when they do something for the last time. It all goes by so quickly.

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        • You’re so right! Everything happens in the blink of an eye so it’s important to enjoy the little things ♥

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  • Dear inner child

    Dear inner child✨
    You are my little ray of sunshine, to give me hope on the gloomiest of days.
    You make me laugh when I want to cry.
    You take the seriousness away and remind me that I’m okay. You sing me the songs that allow me to breathe in your life that still lives within me. I love you and all you do. You are kind and strong and your love is never wrong. You are honest and pure and your love will forever be an open door. Thank you:)

    Emma Johnson

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Emma, I love this! Your inner child would be so happy to know that she became a wise and confident adult. My favorite line of yours is “You take the seriousness away” because sometimes when life starts to get a little too overwhelming, you can forget what matters. Being happy and enjoying the little moments! Some people don’t get to experience the…read more

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  • Discovering She

    I said I loved you
    But did I really?
    I guess somewhat
    But not ideally
    Picked you apart
    Judged you real hard
    From this earth
    I wanted to depart
    Shrunk you so much
    Daily I’d contort
    But one day
    I really saw you
    And as time passed
    I was more in awe of you
    Your skin
    Your smile
    Your stare
    I even came to love
    The curls of your hair
    The outside was one thing
    And before
    Only for it I cared
    But as I got to know the inside
    It topped the outside,
    Beyond compare
    Your intelligence
    Your wit
    Your endurance
    Your grit
    Your creativity
    And charm
    One of the things I love the most
    You take accountability for your harm
    Come to find out
    Your heart is actually warm
    And as it turns out
    I’d want no other host
    Congrats for all the growth you make
    To it all, I give a toast.

    Jakailah Gentles

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jakailah, this is so well written! It can take a while to learn to love yourself. Even though it is a difficult process, I am so happy that you have learned over time to love who you are and who you used to be. Although you aren’t the same person you used to be, never forget about her, because she is the first chapter of your story! Loving her and…read more

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  • The hug you always wanted

    In all of its essence, beauty and purity
    The power you hold has never wavered
    You’ve built mountains with your passion
    You’ve created galaxies with your confidence
    You’ve shattered complacency with your vigilante’s heart
    Everywhere you go
    Everyone you’ve touched
    Everyone you speak to
    Feel the depths of your soul
    A true child of god
    The energy you carry has brought us closer
    To our higher power
    To friends, family, lovers
    To our Ancestors
    To the Universe
    That’s why I thank you
    You’ve paved the way for my existence
    That is why I protect you
    You’re precious
    To me
    To this world
    You are celestial
    And there’s nothing I would change about you babygirl
    You are home.
    I’ll always be grateful
    I’ll always be with you
    I love you

    – Pheonix


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Amaya, this is a BEAUTIFUL letter. My favorite line of yours would have to be when you said ” there’s nothing I would change about you” because so many kids have such negative images drawn towards themselves, whether it’s something about their physical appearance or their personality, it is so important to know that being unique is what makes y…read more

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  • Dear younger less experienced me,

    It’s hard to look at yourself and be okay with who you are. I understand that you are still trying to find yourself, but I want you to know that it’s okay to fail sometimes. I know you are depressed, I know you are anxious, and so often you feel so small and you don’t know what to do. I promise you if you just talk to mom and dad, they want to have a relationship with you. It doesn’t always feel that way. They may yell and try to over correct you and it feels like they don’t approve. You may be bullied now, but you won’t be bullied always, it will get better. It’s hard when they play on your insecurities, please don’t believe them. Please learn to love yourself, because you do have value. It may be hard to see, but you will see it…someday. You will get through it, and you will learn, and I am so proud of you that even when you tried to end things, you survived. Trey, I love who you are, please remember that. Don’t change your big heart, no matter how much hurt you feel, no matter how bad you want it to stop beating, choose to live.

    Trey Knott

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Trey, this is such an inspiring letter. I am so glad that you put this out there because I know that there are so many other kids that feel this way and feel like there is no way to escape this. You are so strong and I am so proud of you for persevering throughout the toughest time of your life. I aspire to be like you. You have so much potential…read more

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  • Love will carry you through

    Dear Little Logan,
    Unfortunately, I don’t always remember being you, but I know how often you thought of me. You were always curious about how you would look when you got older, but all you could imagine was being taller. Well, you were right about that! Aside from that, though, I know you spent a good amount of time wondering who I would be. Well, we should be proud. You should be. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for you. I love you for always looking out for us. You didn’t know it at the time– eight years ago– but you saved our life. Moving away from Mom was your very first step on your way to yourself. You didn’t even know it yet, but at age twelve, you were already taking control of your life and doing whatever you could to make us comfortable. That’s who you are, Logan– strong, wise, and caring. I’m proud of these traits; these are us. We didn’t learn this from Mom, Dad, friends, or anyone else. This is inside you, sewn into your soul– you care. I love this about you, but my favorite thing about you is that you are never too far from laughter. You went through hell, kid. But year after year, you laughed, you loved, you found joy wherever it could have been. You never seem to run out of love, and I adore that about you. I’ve never met anyone with quite so much love to give. That is an amazing thing. But remember Logan: save some for yourself. Love yourself like you love flowers and smiles and all your favorite songs. You and I both know the world needs love, but listen when I say that you do too.
    You know what you went through, so be kind to yourself day by day. Credit yourself for your resilience. Never let go of your tenderness. I love you so achingly, Logan. I still carry your pain. I see you. I wish I could hold you now. So I do. I remember that you are at my center, that I have been constructed around you. There would be no me without you. I know how many people are telling you this, but hopefully, you’ll believe it if it comes from me: It will get better. It will get better when you move away from Mom. Then it’ll get better when you move away from Dad. It’ll get better when you move to Oregon. It’ll always get better because you steer us there. We know what is best for us.
    Keep pushing through and keep finding love and sharing it. Never apologize for yourself. Remember I’ll always be with you. And remember that love will carry you through.

    Hang in there,

    Logan Clevinger

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, Logan. I am truly taken aback by how well-written this letter was. You went through a LOT, and I am so proud of you for being able to persevere and always strive for what’s best for you, even in challenging situations. My favorite line of this was “I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for you.” So many people want to just forget abo…read more

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  • Abigail-->>Abby

    Dear Abigail, 

    Every day, I try to be more and more like you. 

    I listen to your favorite song and sing in the shower like you used to. 
    I pick out your favorite ice cream flavor and eat it on a random Tuesday simply because I can. 

    I wear dresses you would love 
    and twirl in the rain 
    and I thank god for your existence. 

    For everything that you are, 
    That you’ve survived, 
    That you’ll continue to survive. 

    For every friendship you make, 
    And for every friendship that ends. 

    For the time you cut your hair shorter than any girl your age, 
    And for the time you grew it past your waist. 

    For your “tomboy” phase and all the basketball practices that Dad took you to. 
    For your “girly girl” phase and all the flowers, Granny threw on stage at your ballet recital. 

    For the boys you had a crush on, 
    And the girls you loved in secret. 

    For the times you looked in the mirror and cried softly into your pillow. 
    But for the times you took a deep breath and put the swimsuit on anyways. 

    For every trip, stumble, and fall, 
    And your bravery that carried us through it all. 
    The bravery that still carries us. 

    For every time you’re told you’re “too much.” 
    Or worse, 
    “Not enough”. 

    For every time you hear those words, and continue to twirl in the rain. 

    I love you. I’ll keep trying to be as brave as you. Always. 


    Abby Merhege

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Abby, I love this so much. Even though you have matured, you should always carry a piece of your childhood self with you, because without her, you wouldn’t be here! My favorite line of yours is “I’ll keep trying to be as brave as you” because the ability that you had to shake off the negative and embrace the positive is so inspiring. I am glad t…read more

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  • t3 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 1 months, 4 weeks ago

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    True heart

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  • You Were Weird

    You were weird
    And quiet
    And you might have been a beast

    Your parents had prayed for an angel
    When you arrived, spent and vacant
    You opened your mouth
    And no song rang out
    Just a confused sort of yelp

    You morphed into an eight-year-old human girl
    Changed your clothes three times a day
    Spun wheels of stories
    Cried without sounds

    Your mother said it was time to start showering
    After coming indoor, greasy and breathless

    Your father never looked at you the same
    Once he caught your legs sprouting spikes of hair
    He told his Wife to hand you the family razor

    But you continued to smell like grass
    Pretending the trees were friends
    The dogs, your sisters

    When you began middle school
    You wrote love poems for your teachers
    Tried out for basketball
    They sent you to get tested for scoliosis
    and the drool

    But you howled the loudest in spring musical
    Made fellow hairy friends
    Who would later hunt you down

    But snarled and unkempt
    Starry-eyed and smelly

    You kept

    You are weird
    And quiet
    And you might be a beast.

    Noelle Parlette

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Noelle, this is such a creative piece. Despite being different from others, I am so happy that you always stayed true to yourself and didn’t back down even when others were against you. Being weird is cool! A world full of identical people would be so boring, so it is important to stand out from the crowd! Great work ♥

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  • Dear Beautiful Girl- A Letter to My 12 Year Old Self

    Dear Beautiful Girl,

    I am writing this letter to remind you of your beauty and kindness. Your trust in others and your love for animals are traits I deeply admire. Despite your husband’s dismay, your love for animals will always remain strong. Your connection with them is pure and unwavering, a testament to your compassionate heart. I understand your need to fit in, to feel wanted, and to be loved. When you look in the mirror, you might see flaws, but I see a beautiful girl who just wants to feel safe and accepted for who she truly is.

    I want you to know that I am deeply sorry I couldn’t always protect you. Life hasn’t been easy for you, and I regret that I couldn’t shield you from the pain and hardships you’ve faced. However, I will always honor and cherish you. You have shown remarkable strength and resilience, and there is so much ahead for you—things you can only dream about right now. I know the pain you faced this year, and I am so proud of you for not giving up. You are a survivor through and through, and your perseverance is a testament to your inner strength.

    I know your hopes and dreams, and I believe with all my heart that you will achieve them. One day, you will be an amazing mom. You will nurture and guide your children with the same love and care that you show to those around you. You will work hard and finally recognize just how smart and capable you are. Your intelligence and determination will take you far, and you will accomplish things you never thought possible.

    One day, you will find love and learn what it means to have healthy, fulfilling relationships. You will recognize your worth and feel confident in yourself. The love you deserve is out there, and when it finds you, it will be beautiful and transformative. You will finally start writing, even though it took longer than you expected. Your words will flow, and your stories will inspire others. We will get there together, step by step.

    Sweet Girl,

    You are so brave, and you will need to keep being brave for a little while longer, but you will endure. The road ahead may be challenging, but you have the strength to overcome any obstacle. When you feel like you’re alone, remember that I am here. It’s you and me against the world. Your experiences, both good and bad, have shaped me into the person I am today. I will cherish and appreciate you for all that you are.

    I will embrace your mistakes, your heartaches, your fears, and most importantly, your dreams. Your dreams are the light that guides you forward, and I believe in them as much as I believe in you. You are brave. You are kind. You are important. Never forget these truths, even when the world tries to tell you otherwise



    Savannah Prince

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Savannah, I love this so much. I am so sorry for what you had to go through as a child. As sad as it is to say, many kids go through the same thing you did. You were then and still are now so beautiful and so strong! I love that you mentioned how good of a mom you have become. Going through tough times is what forms our personality and our ability…read more

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  • Beauty through the storm

    Hey Baby Girl. The world was not as kind as we once thought it was ; in fact its pretty cold and the places we once found warmth bare more shade than a willow tree. The world will test your morals, beliefs, strength and most of all your resilience . Please don’t lose sight of you. To give you hope in the times of despair I’ll share a little gem with you. Your smile brightens even the darkest room , your laughter is contagious. Your words hold more power than you know. Your faith will shake rooms and will also be your testimony. In your darkest times ; look inward your heart and intuition will guide you. Your beauty goes way beyond the physical. Your perseverance admirable. When you want to give up… keep going; you must! Your voice matters. Your story matters. I love you. Be strong .

    The older you

    Jasmine Nicole

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jasmine, this is such a beautiful letter! My favorite line is ” Please don’t lose sight of you” because as a child when everyone is trying to figure out who they are and what they like, it can be easy to start changing yourself to fit in with others. Stay true to yourself! You are unique and that is what you should be!! Insecurities can s…read more

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  • alibakes submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    A Legacy Worth Living

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  • Marmalade

    I close my eyes and remember all the things I loved about this chocolate little girl
    The way she fearlessly belted every note, snapping her fingers in the mirror as she’d twirl
    The rhythm would flow through her like a river reminding her to remain steady in the stream
    This was a time when she believed in herself so much, she envisioned living her wildest dreams
    I loved how she approached life with a carefree giggly attitude
    How she’d sang every melody with courage, power, and gratitude
    She’d stand in the mirror using the remote as her microphone
    She felt unstoppable hopping on the bed to use as her stage, completely in her zone
    I loved how she’d create beauty so unashamed of her art
    How she carried infinite joy and resilience in her heart
    I remember when she made a song about marmalade
    And it was high key catchy even though her little brother threw shade
    I loved to ride the waves of her imagination as she’d create without guilt or shame
    She had this tenacious audacity that reminded others her fire could never be contained
    She’d clothe herself in ambition and determination to speak
    Especially when her mom crafted her outfits so classy, elegant, and chic
    As I heal and return to embracing all those things I loved about the younger you
    I release every limiting belief that convinced you your dreams wouldn’t come true
    Your ancestors are guiding, protecting, and propelling you forward, right on queue
    Whispering, “Rise up queen, this reflection of love is your breakthrough!”

    Tiffany Narvise

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tiffany, I love the passion and hear that you put into this piece! Little you would be so proud of who she has become and how kind and wise you are today. She would be so happy to know that she looked back on herself and realized how great of a kid she was and how her actions back then still have an effect on her today. I’m so glad that you have…read more

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      • Thank you so so much Harper for your beautiful insight and encouragement. I am grateful for the courage to share this love journey and the ability advocate for and express myself freely.❤

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        • I love that! You are so welcome, I am happy to help you out during this journey!! Keep expressing how you feel, it will help you grow ☻

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  • Dear Sweet One…

    You never cease to amaze me. That beautiful melodic way your heart beats, even when the people that were responsible for you couldn’t hear it. Your resiliency to forever want the peace to be kept, makes me strive to keep you protected. The way you always remind me to play each and everyday. The way you keep a bounce in my step, that turns to a skip shows me how good you feel to still be alive inside of me. The way your creativity flourishes when we color, the giggle you make when we can’t stay within the lines, it makes me feel safe. Safe enough to know that we accept us just the way we are. Forgive me for abandoning you, but thank you for your grace along this journey of putting you back to first. Your eyes are so bright and your trust in me, made me want to write. I promise to always tell you how important you are. How your dreams are so bold and the moon is the only limit for you. The ways I’ll hold space for you, are immeasurable, because your aura is too big to fit comfortably into a system that wasn’t created for your exquisite design. You never had to stay with me, but I’m so grateful that you did, because what would I be without my fearless butterfly. Constantly going through metamorphosis to grow back into what we were before the world got it’s hands on us. Your fiery determination to be the outspoken and unapologetic rebel. Stand firm in that for its opening doors to wonderland. Let your aura continue to light our path. You are enough. Unconditionally, I love you.

    Me ♥️


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I LOVE this so much! Keeping your inner child with you is so important because it reminds us to have a little fun! You are doing everything for your younger self, you owe it to them to make something of yourself and enjoy living the fantastic life that you have! My favorite line of yours is “you always remind me to play each and everyday” and as I…read more

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  • Trusting an envelope

    Hello, princess .. it’s an unfamiliar word that we wished we heard more often. I am your future self, and i know you wouldn’t doubt it because we have always buried our heads in books to escape the disgusting reality we live(d) in. I couldn’t be more proud of the incredible person you have made us to be. Your resilience, creativity, and secret confidence have helped us overcome countless obstacles and thrive in the future. I want you to know that every sacrifice you made was worth it, and we are living proof of that. Keep being your amazing self and never lose sight of who you are even if you don’t know just yet. Those hugs, kisses, cuddles with a teddy bear, that love you crave. we get it all in your future. Just wish there was a way I could hold you tightly and assure you. The trip has been ugly for us but it will be prettier soon. I love you . Please give yourself a break, we were made to survive the savages . You are a goddess in the making . I’m sorry for not being able to fight alongside of you, but you do fight with me because without you none of this would be possible. I’m happy to be your future because you are still in it .
    P.s. those scars will heal and they will be so cool in the future ! I love you forever my little white light princess . You will outshine everyone you cross paths with .
    Oh and by the way Just know you are popular amongst people even if you don’t think so .. WE ARE THE COOL KIDS

    Alexis Alvarez

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I would like any critique or comment . It’s much appreciated. Peace and love to all

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    • Alexis, I LOVE this!! Even though things were tough for you as a child, I am so glad that you got through them and you have made yourself into a better person because of it. My favorite line of yours is “without you none of this would be possible” and I really wish that more people thought about their past like this. Many believe that because…read more

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  • Reflections

    As I reflect on my life in my thirties,
    It feels like I’ve lived an eternity.
    From innocent and sweet childhood days,
    To learning how to love and weep in different ways.
    My soul has shattered like glass on the floor.
    Yet I’ve learned to pick it up once more.
    Dreams are not always what they seem,
    And fairytales remain in books we read in our dreams.
    Life as a child was genuine and freeing,
    Only fully appreciated when grown-up and foreseeing.
    In these thirty-two years, I’ve seen life’s highs and fears,
    Moments when I’ve wanted to die, and moments I’ve held dear.
    I’ve experienced the joy of life and the pain of loss,
    Sometimes in the span of a single day’s toss.
    Reflecting on my innocence and childlike faith,
    I realize it’s not always easy to maintain that state.
    But my resilience to live outweighs my desire to die,
    No matter how often I felt ready to try.
    If I could travel back in time and meet the child version of me,
    I’d say, “Life will be tough, you’ll face challenges you cannot foresee. But in the end, you’ll prevail, despite the hurdles you’ll meet.”

    Marli Wright

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Marli, this is a brilliant piece. The last line you said will now stick with me forever. Challenges we face in life can’t always be prevented and you can’t always protect yourself from them. However; these are merely learning experiences in the making! You will heal and you will grow. I love your perspectives and can’t wait to hear more from you!

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    • Thank you so much ! That means so much that my Writing touched you. Sometimes it is hard to put my work out there for others to read . This was so encouraging for me .

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  • 8 year old me, let's chat.

    I hear you call my name
    The sound so sweet and delicate. Traces of vanilla and honey lace around every word you say. Despite what they have said you’re a wonderful kid.
    You’re just afraid.
    I won’t repeat the cold words they say but I’m sure you already know them.
    Im sure you know your nose shape, the way it crinkles when you laugh at something dumb. I’m sure you know how loud you are but your silence is far louder.
    I know you see the way you eat, im happy to watch you indulge happily.
    I know you know the way they talk about you like you’re not even there.
    Well i see you.
    I know they didn’t like to hug you. My arms are open wide, always. They don’t even compliment you but I couldn’t stop staring at the rare beauty you hold. Im gladly the beholder. I know you’ve been hurt in ways you really can’t understand, I’m sorry I can’t undo the pain. But I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again.
    You’re a pure soul who continued on, despite these thoughts you don’t understand.
    Despite your small mind having been shattered, you’re still innocent, loving, and I want to love you forever.
    You bring a joy that can’t ever be replaced.
    You take my hand and it’ll be okay because I won’t ever let go.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow. Just wow. This genuinely brought tears to my eyes. First of all, you are a wonderful writer, the emotion you convey is so powerful and relatable. Second, I am so sorry for what you had to go through. I can’t even imagine the time you had to spend healing from such things. You are truly a warrior! I am so glad that you have removed yourself…read more

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      • Harper,
        Sorry for not responding I forgot my log in information and often am busy. I just want to say I appreciate your kind words. They mean more than I can explain and encourage me to keep on writing. It moves me to know how my poem made you feel. Your words are the kind that I will carry with me always. Thank you thank you thank you!
        Also I…read more

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  • You Did Not Know!

    Dear Chardy Pooh,

    Chardy Pooh you did not Know!
    You were so brave, You did not even know how much!
    You stood up for self-value. Even when you did not know you were.
    You stood up for being different!
    You did not know that.
    You stood up for peer pressure.
    You did not know that.
    You stood up for love.
    You did not know it.
    You stood up for hope.
    You did not know it.
    You were a strong person who stood for people, rights, love and acceptance!
    You did not even know it. You did not know, you had anything to love about yourself. You did not know you had anything to be proud of. That’s why you almost did not write this letter. You did not know, but now you know! You had something to love! Something to be proud of!
    I love and am so proud of you Chardy Pooh!!!

    Thank you,

    Charmaine Casimir

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Charmaine, this is so cute. It is so crazy to know that we can do so many things that we might regret, or depend on in the future! You truly never know what is ahead of you! So, always do what is best for you! Stay true to yourself, like you did as a child, and keep your head up! Great work ♥

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  • I Love How You Beat the System

    Dear Younger me,

    I love how you beat the system

    The sting from your dad’s hand, you will no longer endure
    The swoosh of the cord from his swing you will no longer feel
    The burning pain from his lighter you will no longer suffer
    Watching him threaten mom and pull a gun on her, you’ll no longer witness

    I love how you beat the system

    Stumbling up the baby sitter’s stairs not knowing what will happen next
    Climbing on his bed, water underneath knocking you off balance
    Remember this was the biggest lollipop you felt and grossed one you tasted

    I love how you beat the system

    Not understanding why mom had to leave us or won’t be in pain
    Not knowing she was living in a body that was no longer hers
    Seeing your lifeless body laying in that wooden bed, part of me died
    The touch of her skin is ice cold and body is pale like a ghost

    I love how you beat the system

    You could have picked up your first drink before legal age
    You could have taken to the street and get paid to let others use your body
    You could have fully died to be with your mom
    You could have made so many poor choices but you didn’t
    You beat the system, now live your life

    Carley Footh

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Carley, I am so incredibly sorry for what you went through. No child should ever have to experience anything like that and I can’t even imagine how hard all of that must have been on you. Despite all of those insanely traumatic things that happened to you, I am so happy you decided to move on with your life and broke free into a new life. Although…read more

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