

  • Peace from destruction

    I climb to the cliff’s edge
    And peer into the rocky waters
    “No, I can’t do that,”
    A cotton blanket embraces me
    Wrapping me up safely in warmth
    The blanket leads me to a chiminea
    I watch flames transform into fiery girls dancing with one another
    Happily round and around
    Then, they look at me, exit their stage, and draw a circle of flames around me
    Their friendly smiles comfort me
    As the ground surrounding me turns everything to ash
    Smoke thickens and clears
    And for the first time,
    I feel peace from destruction.

    Jordan Essenburg

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    • Super interesting piece, Jordan. Is it a metaphor or something that really happened? Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • A soak and a sanctuary

    Steam rises from the porcelain
    I take a deep breath and submerge

    Water envelops me
    Cleansing my pores
    Massaging my thighs

    A flood of calm seeps into my mind
    Dissolving my worries
    Sanctifying my psyche
    Giving birth to myself

    The hot spring arrives
    I am surrounded by pines and snow fall
    I exhale

    Jordan Essenburg

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    • Jordan this piece, made ME feel relaxed. Keep taking in “the calm” that life has to offer. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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