

  • Life, Interrupted

    Hey guys. Just a thought…
    We go along day to day..we get up, go to work, come home, eat supper, watch tv, go to bed…we get up, go to work…
    Every day it’s the same thing. We might go to church on Wednesday night. We might go out to eat instead of cooking at home. But every day it’s pretty much the same thing…and on and on…
    But then, one day, without rhyme or reason…always on a random Tuesday..could have been any Tuesday before, but no, it was exactly at the time when our thoughts are embedded in the mundane things we deal with every day, every week or month.
    Maybe you lose your job, your spouse asks for a divorce, the doctor gives you that diagnosis you feared for so long. But in a single moment, everything falls apart. And you lose everything or everyone…and you’re floundering in a sea of uncertainty.
    But think about all the times in the Bible when things just didn’t go as planned…someone or something just threw a monkey wrench into the whole situation.
    Mary, 13 years old, sweet, chaste girl…an angel shows up and tells her she’s gonna have a baby. You know she said, “Well, you need to stop by my Mama’s room, cos she ain’t gonna believe this one.”
    Or when Jonah got on that boat, running from his calling. No way did he expect he’d end up in a whale’s belly. And It’s difficult to even imagine what was going through his mind. But when he got out he understood exactly what was expected of him. It took ripping everything away for him to clearly understand.
    When Moses saw the strange bush aflame but not being consumed, it drew him closer. And when God talked to him, he absolutely knew it was God. He wasn’t convinced that he was the one to lead the Jews out of Egypt, but he knew God meant what He said. And he followed the commands. But it was a complete deviation from his life as a shepherd and he had to have complete faith.
    There are countless examples of God causing a disruption to make way for His plan. If only our minds were open and expectant to the interruptions and what they might mean for our life.
    It is not comfortable to have your life pulled out from under you. As a matter of fact, it pretty much stinks. And if you’ve not been living just exactly right, well…it can feel like an earthquake. And it can shake any remnant of faith you might have acquired in your recent years.
    It’s difficult to see past your arm’s length when most of your life is no longer there..no spouse, no children, no friends…not even familiar places you’re used to going. And there’s no amount of tears or screaming gonna bring it back.
    It’s important to remember, Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, “ declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
    Whew! That’s a relief! Cos I wasn’t gettin’ anywhere on my own!
    And no, it’s not that easy. One has to work at it. Even if you have to immerse yourself in Psalm 23. Just like anything worth having, it takes thought and care. And yes, some days you’ll stumble…just don’t stay down, get back up and try again tomorrow. This world isn’t meant to be easy, but it is manageable..and God is never far away.
    You guys take care. Much love…

    Mina G Coleman

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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