

  • Never lose yourself to love them

    Many of us grew up imagining what love should be like. I remember eagerly anticipating adulthood and picturing myself with a house, kids, a husband, and those unexplainable bursts of happiness and peace. Now, looking back, I wish I hadn’t been so focused on finding happiness with someone else and instead focused on finding happiness within myself. I went through relationships that broke me to the point where I didn’t see repairing myself as possible. I allowed individuals I loved to dim my light more and more, and not only did they know what they were doing, but they took pleasure in it. I would never wish that on anyone. it upon anyone to experience losing who they are to pour and build someone up while they intentionally destroy you. It changes you in a way that only those who have been through it could ever understand. I want to teach the opposite of what Disney and Lifetime and many other major platforms and music and any other influences that push the narrative of finding love being the top priority and the only thing of substance life can bring you. Instead, I want to push falling in love with myself. Spoil yourself, date yourself, encourage and build up the most important person which is you. Once you master that I know the universe the powers to be will bring what is meant for you to you. You won’t have to question you will not have to dim your light to appease others. You will not have to hurt to know love. If I could tell the youth and encourage those in a dark place right now fighting to see the light again I would say never ever allow anyone or anything to make you lose yourself in proving that you are worthy of love, happiness, or acceptance. I want to tell you that if I love you no one else has. I see your value, I see your worth, you are worthy, you are deserving and you will obtain anything your heart desires. Never give up on the most crucial person, Yourself!!

    Azaina Goodman

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Thank you so much !!! I like to keep the imperfections in my poems lol. I don’t necessarily want it so polished I feel like sometimes it’s more authentic . I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it 🖤

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  • Love yourself child

    Love Yourself child

    Love yourself child no one else can do that for you. Dry those tears and hide all those emotions don’t let them devour your spirit. Put on a smile every day even when you don’t feel it. Create your reality it’s you who has to live in it. Create your own joy. Remind yourself of the beautiful creation you have. That smart little boy. 

    Who will love you if not yourself? Self-love is more important because you gotta pick up yourself. Love yourself, child. Doesn’t matter if the man who helped create life didn’t God blessed you with someone else That loves you as if you were his. Love yourself. The reason why the father of your son couldn’t stay is because he didn’t love himself. How could he possibly love another human being how could he ever care if he ain’t love himself? No pity parties can remain here child. 

    Love yourself. Demons can only reside where there is no hope when no love is there. So rise child and love yourself. Day by day speak life speak affirmations speak self-victory speak it daily.  Every flaw in the mirror reflects a reminder that no one else can be you. You gotta love yourself. You gotta see you for you. The most powerful thing is someone who recognizes self.

     Who loves every imperfection and can use pain as a redirection in the direction of a blessing itself. Dry their tears and leave self-pity. We all have our unspoken fears. If no one has told you I see you. I see your determination. I see your potential. I see your beauty. I empathize with your pain. I was always there holding the umbrella shielding you from the rain. 

    I was always there embracing you on those days when no one knew you were battling with ya brain. I am the nights and the sunny skies. I am your thunderstorms but I’m also the place where rainbows reside. I am your screams and I am your silence. I am your patience your anger and your kindness and all your frustrations. I am you.  You are me. The you no one else can see. I am you and you are me. Love yourself, child.  And when you’re ready to be great come find me. I am Az’aina. I am who you refer to as Z. Love yourself, child. In love is where we will meet. Love yourself, child. Come find me.

    Azaina Goodman

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Azaina, this is a beautiful letter to your younger self. As we grow older, we often forget the things that made us who we are. Your words show that you not only remember the best parts of you, but that you are still working on loving yourself better. I am inspired by your words. Thank you for sharing!

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      • Thank you so much !!! I like to keep the imperfections in my poems lol. I don’t necessarily want it so polished I feel like sometimes it’s more authentic . I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it 🖤

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