

  • Like swirled watercolor

    I had been imprisoned once, held captive by the powers that be. Small and alone within a cage, biting and clawing to find my way out. I felt lost, alone and filled to the brim with despair. Within the fortress was a tiny barred window fixed above. A tiny spider dangled from a web and the sun shone through a film, years of grime and dust painting the cell in rose gold bathing me in its warm light. Washing over my external self and soothing spaces where hurt and sadness had filled prior. I prayed in my bed staring at concrete walls and begging God to help me heal and find a way out of the mess I had found myself in. I had been stripped of my housing, my children, my lover, my family and all worldly possessions and all that had remained was me in this space with a thread of hope to either hold on to or hang myself up with. In these moments I had two choices. Grow bitter, cold, hard and uncaring or remain soft, innocent, compassionate and loving. I chose love. And the door swung open to my cell allowing me freedom to rebuild that which had been lost. I nurtured myself daily, wiping ash from my brow and cheekbone and allowing them to settle where they had belonged. I attended classes and therapy, taking all that they had offered in. Learning to set goals and work on them achieving things I had thought id never achieve before. Prior to being imprisoned I had no idea what would become of me. Had I continued on my path those around me would surely have influenced me into my grave. Misery loving company old aged cliches. Dusty being that had given up on the search for threads of hope and change. Stagnant and never growing out of the pit they had found themselves in. I found myself a cozy apartment with a ball and chain around my ankle. Keeping me imprisoned again but this time within four rooms and a hallway. However I was content and happy as many windows allowed the light to shine through and caress me in its healing warmth. I wrote poetry, and kept to myself, cutting off the ties to the past and starting to begin again. I began building my credit and paying the bills. Eventually graduating from that stage of my life and purchasing a home instead of renting a four roomed dungeon. At first I was angry and bitter at the men that had come to place me in captivity. But seeing the brighter side of things I see it had turned my life around. I grew, flourished, found myself to be hardworking and a achiever. Unsure of the future but content with the path I had been set upon. What had left me caged for a period of time could have very well of been the very thing that had saved my life. My emotions gentle, swirled watercolors against a bright open canvas. So much to add and little to take away. Forever grateful for my higher power and those who pulled me from destruction.

    Kristen grula

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • A Knee Full of Stones

    I traveled shoeless
    Most times
    Bouncing in and out
    With bare feet
    Wanting to feel the earth
    The ground
    The rocky riverbeds
    And crystalline rivers
    Dancing around ankles.
    In awe of the feeling
    Of everything

    Late nights stepping out
    Into cool desert sand
    Where sky
    Touches the landscape
    Everything as a galaxy
    For miles

    Eyes glistened
    With gratitude

    City lights at night
    Buzzing by
    Stop and go


    The first time

    The feeling
    Pulling me
    To each new

    The landscapes
    Drawing me in

    Dusty gas stations
    Set on vast

    Imported Pepsi

    Gas stations

    Touting 52
    And kittens

    Rubber green men
    Perched beside
    Slush machines

    Deserted water parks
    Movie sets


    On standstill

    Hidden beaches
    Soft white
    Except for tide
    As it gently
    Kisses the

    Hand in
    His hand

    Every moment

    For the universe

    Gypsy spirit
    Greeting wild

    A knee
    Full of stone

    Timeless souvenir
    Pink scar

    His careful

    Rays of sun
    No set place for

    Beside rivers
    Or within woods
    Up mountains

    Deep within the
    west Memphis

    Fancy rooms
    With an ocean
    View scene


    Highway tolls

    At home
    With all

    Kristen Marie grula

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kristen, this is awesome! I am so happy you continue finding new pieces of yourself daily. You will only discover more and more throughout your life and I can’t wait to hear what else is out there for you. Keep up the great work ♥

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  • Moon

    I learned the importance of family and how fleeting life is. How those we love could be with us one moment laughing, smiling and sharing in day to day events to only be gone in the fraction of a moment. No goodbyes, no reasons why. How important I love you’s and I need you’s are when we have no clue what goes on within each others minds even when we think we do. How fragile we really are as human. And how easily we could lose someone we never thought we would, taking for granted all the moments shared. I lost two younger brothers to suicide after Covid had rolled through. While most people were losing loved ones due to health complications I had lost mine in the matter of a blink of the eye without any warning. I struggled with grief and my emotions. They were only 28 still babies in my eyes as I was the oldest child. Angry thoughts thinking them selfish, thoughts they were weak and should have been stronger. Not understanding and never knowing why. I was a mostly emotionally absent person in the lives of those I grew up with. I didn’t share my thoughts or feelings often and kept others at bay. It’s important to share how we feel with those closest to us and share those private moments where we speak our thoughts, feelings and emotions. It sounds cliche all the quotes and things we see about family, thinking they’ll always be here with us. It’s not like cancer claiming them, knowing in advance what will happen and preparing for it. It’s a sudden flash and a phone call throwing you into a tidal wave of shock and despair. A scream abrupting from your core as you punch at your legs and cry why. It’s the freezing up of the throat as you try to force out the torrential outpouring of emotion coursing through you. The subdued overspent sadness you feel, in watercolor shades washing over you as you try and force yourself from bed to do the mundane tasks of living life. It’s one day getting up and discovering every beautiful detail in life again. All the simple things you’ve ignored before now so important. Blades of grass with tiny dew drops, the clouds lazily moving across the sky, the sound of birds flying overhead. So grateful of every breath taken and living life with childlike innocence again. Life is a magical journey to be embraced and explored. A gift from our higher power. Our families a blessing to share with. Covid also was a lesson in family. Being separated from those we love or loved. Not being able to make hospital visits to those important to us, not being able to say goodbye. Funerals held at bay for several months after the loss of those cherished in our lives. Not being able to make peace with it or find closure the way we normally do. Cherish every moment. Make each moment count. Even those that seem mundane. Don’t take those around you for granted. It takes mere seconds to send a text or make a call. Check in, say I love you often. Be the light in someone’s dark. I explained to someone once that the moon had to work harder to be a light and shine bright surrounded by so much darkness. Be a moon in the night sky, a light to guide others.

    Kristen Marie grula

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Wolves & Doves

    Fearless wonder
    Instilled within
    Small bones.

    Not ever quite finding
    What felt like home.

    Courageous child,
    Strong and mild
    You were raised by wolves
    But didn’t let them make you wild.

    Beautiful girl
    With the world at hand
    Skipping and playing
    Within your own magical

    Mud pies

    You were never alone
    Although you felt like
    It when you cried.

    Chlorophyll eyes
    Light bursting inside
    You kept yourself
    Soft and sweet
    At every road that felt like defeat.

    Although others never said they
    Were proud,
    you didn’t hide your head
    Up in the clouds
    Instead you decided
    To live your life out loud.

    Hiding from the crowd
    Blanketed in a protective
    Shroud of innocence
    And love.

    My inner child
    A gentle peaceful

    Kristen m grula

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kristen, this is beautiful!! I love, love, love the line “You were raised by wolves
      But didn’t let them make you wild.” The strength that you had to have to persevere through this is incredible. You are so brave and I am so glad that you have made peace with your inner child. Keep up the great work. ♥

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