

  • Dear Sierra

    Dear Sierra
    The other night I had a dream
    I think it was about you.
    I had a dream where to escape my narrative
    I had to take my life.
    I was reincarnated back as myself
    I had the same eyes
    The same bump on my nose
    I tried to start my life anew
    But I couldn’t bear the void you’d left
    So I called the morgue and I begged them not to perform the autopsy
    I felt scared at the thought of them tearing you open
    So I broke in to see you myself
    They left you on a gurney
    Exposed in the middle of a barren room
    And there I stood
    Looking down at my own rotting face
    Eyes sunken in
    And cheeks flushed green
    I held our hands
    and I wept.
    I want you to know
    That I’m so glad to have been you
    And that I’m so sorry I tried to abandon you
    And even though I’ve
    Changed my name
    Changed my hair
    Changed my look
    And changed my notions
    I could never change you.
    And even though I’ve tried
    To shove you down
    Into a box
    To smother and abandon
    And throw to the deep subconscious
    I could never truly abandon you.
    I carry you within me everyday
    When I feel the longing to paint
    When I look at our old sketchbooks
    When I write poems
    When I read all your story concepts
    When I listen to our favorite songs
    And I feel the same passion you always felt.
    You are my creative spark
    You are the little girl who wasn’t afraid
    To run with the wolves
    You are my heart
    The foundation of what I am
    When I smile it is with your teeth
    Pumping through my heart and coursing through my veins
    It is your blood
    And all that I love in myself
    Is from all that I love in you
    My baby girl
    I promise you we are going to do great things one day
    I’m sorry I tried to kill you.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lucy, I am so proud of you. You have overcome so much in your life and I truly admire everything that you have done to help find yourself. I know it was a long journey, but you have earned it. Your childhood may not have been the best time for you, but you can’t just throw it away. If little Lucy didn’t exist, grown-up Lucy wouldn’t be here today,…read more

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