  • "Who's Cheating Who?"

    My Dear Handsome Husband,

    I have a confession to make. One that I cannot even accept as true!
    Do you know I’m cheating on you? Do you know you’re cheating on me? I know for a fact we’re cheating on each other. Do you? I know you are cheating on me. I’m not sure if you know I am cheating on you! How ‘bout them apples?
    To be together 37 years and to realize now, at this stage of our lives, there’s cheating going on simply baffles my mind and my heart. I keep telling myself it isn’t true! It’s impossible! Us? NEVER in a million years! It just cannot be true!
    How can we still be so deeply in love with each other and have this happen? I know I still love and adore you with all my heart and want nothing but happiness for you. I believe you feel the same for me.
    Yet, here we are in the thick of it, not knowing what to do, where to turn, what to say, how to fix it. Obviously, we’ve been broken for a while. We really don’t talk as much as we used to. We don’t share too much of anything anymore with each other. I feel so alone. I know you do to. When did we and our communication break down?
    I’m not sure when you started cheating. And, here I go. I started cheating on you within this past year (or two). Why? Because you became distant, quiet and kept your feelings in – as did I. We’re the couple that can’t keep their mouths shut and we chatter it up with each other all the time. The quiet is so deafening loud inside. It’s so weird not talking like we used to hence, we are cheating cheaters.
    Ok, without stalling any longer, I wholeheartedly own I have cheated on you. I’m cheating you out of the life you want and deserve. How? I feel you would not have the problems, the stressors and the thoughts you have each and every day. It’s true. You would be free to do as you want when you want and not worry about all the things you worry about. You would deny this I’m sure.
    You are cheating on me, out of my hopes and dreams that comes with tears almost every day. I may cry for five seconds, five minutes. It doesn’t matter. The tears fall. The breathing gets tougher. The suffocation lingers throughout the day, every day. I try hard to be upbeat, positive, and helpful. I can’t stand feeling I’ve let you down but honestly, I’m gotten real exhausted acting like everything is okay when it’s not. I am tapped out.
    When we come right down to it, we are cheating ourselves, and on each other, out of the life we talked about years, YEARS ago. This life right now isn’t what either one of us wants but, my love, this is it. You know it as much as I do. I don’t know if it’s too late to salvage us.
    I’m willing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. The rest of our days cannot continue this way. It isn’t a life anymore. I believe, with our hearts, our love and commitment to each other we can stop, take a few deep breaths and rewrite our story. We can reach a place where our hopes and dreams we had can come true. At least some of them. We deserve this for each other. We’re better than this. Please, let’s not waste any more time. Life is too short and we are in the fourth quarter of our lives. I hope you agree and want to jump into a new chapter with me. We’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain for the rest of our days. It’s time. IT’S OUR TIME!
    If there’s a funny part to all of this, it’s the whole cheating on each other. It makes me kind of smirk a smile because we’ve never cheated on each other with another person and when the words cheat, cheating, cheated is brought up, nine out of ten times it’s automatically assumed it has to do with another person.
    Well, my hubby, let’s do this! We’ve got each other and have what it takes to do this and I, for one, am 100 percent in! Thirty-seven years is a lot of love and what do we always say? “No matter what, LOVE ALWAYS WINS!”

    LYMA (Love You More Always!),
    Your Dear Wonderful Wife

    Ter Delaney

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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