  • lorinda submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 4 months, 2 weeks ago



    So much happened to me
    In this year of twenty, twenty-three.
    I got new hips for which to run
    Each morning, each day, rain, or sun.
    An essay of mine was published in a book.
    I’m still quite sure I don’t like to cook.
    My father’s progressed illness made me see
    How unbelievably fragile this life can be.
    Miss Mollie my sweet yorkie-poo
    Turned six, in dog years, forty-two.
    I ran in many races at varying paces.
    And made friends with people from faraway places.
    But the absolute best part of twenty, twenty-three
    Was celebrating ten years with my wife, Sandy.

    Lorinda Boyer

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    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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