

  • Profile picture of little-big-sister
    little-big-sister 73The only thing that limits you is the size of your own mind.- Bob Proctor
    Active 2 days, 4 hours ago
  • Profile picture of Alyssa Grimes
    Alyssa Grimes 37Where there is breath, there is hope.
    Active 3 days, 20 hours ago
  • Profile picture of Roses
    Roses 64"...you remind me of a rose, an absolute rose..." Diasy Buchanan
    Active 1 weeks, 6 days ago
  • Profile picture of jasmine_v
    jasmine_v 39When the soul writes, the flesh is free
    Active 1 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Profile picture of Makyla
    Makyla 63“Same story, same results. The story must change” - Vince
    Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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