  • Is That You?

    Matant* Marie! Is that you?

    What a pleasure it is to meet you again…yet you look a little different.

    You’re a bit younger than you were in the years that I knew you. You are a bit shorter too; your skin is a shade lighter; and you don’t have that infamous stutter we’ve all come to love.

    But that character cannot be mistaken. It’s got to be you!
    You’re talking everyone’s ear off!
    No one could be responding and you continue the story as if the silence was your audience. Your smile shines so bright. Your energy is so unwavering and contagious. Your laugh wouldn’t be recognizable if we couldn’t see all your teeth in it.

    But it isn’t you…
    Instead of my nickname “Den” this “you” calls me “mommy”.
    As it turns out, it is not you, but my daughter Aubriellle! She embodies your soul. She has all the attitude and all the assertiveness, just like you. She knows exactly what she wants, just like you. She is the glue that is holding this family together, just like you.
    Every time someone says “She must’ve walked this Earth before” all I can think is that it’s you! It’s you showing up through her for me. For the family. She was the light that came at the exact time that your light was put out. Something about God’s timing that says she was a necessity.

    I am inspired every day to be a woman of faith, because of her (and you).
    I am inspired every day to be strong and hard-working because of her (and you).
    I am inspired every day to enjoy and love this life that I’m living because of her (and you).

    Matant, thank you for everything you did for me and everything you’re continuing to do for me through my child. Baby Aubri has pulled me out of some rock bottoms and she has no clue how, but I do.

    I love you forever,
    Den ❤️

    *matant (Haitian Creole): aunt

    Danielle Michel

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Danielle, your words about your aunt remind me of the relationship I had with my own late aunt. She continues to inspire me every day through her memory and spirit. The fact that you get to “visit” your aunt through your daughter is amazing. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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