

  • meal prepping for my funeral

    meal prepping for my funeral

    this is the obituary you won’t write for me
    because I want to taste the words first
    I dunk them in the well of my soul
    and let the cool water wash away the hurts
    let the triumphs and the tragedies dance
    across the surface like flower petals

    the recipe for a good life is passed down
    from old tongues to young ones
    and each time it gets a little bit better
    measure with your heart
    or your hands
    but never look at the scale

    this is what I have learned
    watching my ancestors at the cooking hearth:
    sprinkle love on everything
    first, water the garden with it
    and when the stories and lessons are ripe
    harvest them gently

    this is what I have learned
    while throwing things in the fire
    and hoping a feast comes out of it;
    no meal comes together without a little disaster
    and the bitter vinaigrette of sorrow
    pairs best with a sticky-sweet bite of happiness

    this is what I want you to learn:
    write your own recipe
    grow your own truth and
    sow your own legacy
    and remember you can never over season
    anything by adding a little more love

    Nickole (Nickie) Pavey

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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