

  • Little Brittyboo

    Little Brittyboo,

    Your best friend’s older brother told you that it was a sin to say the word “gay,” and what I love about you is that you asked questions instead of shutting up.

    You ripped your pants sliding down a giant rock at the playground during the church picnic, and you freaked out and cried, but what I love about you is that you expressed how you felt embarrassed and upset, and you chose to keep playing after a friend’s mom gave you a zip-up sweatshirt to tie around your waist to cover the tear down your butt.

    The popular person in 5th grade asked you who you liked, and you told her only for her to immediately ask them if they liked you back (in front of everyone). That sucked. What I like about you is that you faced rejection bravely when they said “no” for everyone to hear.

    You sing and what I love about you is that you find harmony for every sound you hear especially when it’s the blender or the vacuum. I love that you raise your hand when there are opportunities to speak your mind or to sing solos in the chorus.

    You like sipping a sweet drink while you walk, exploring ideas about life, in your mind and reality, and what I love about you is that you always keep moving forward. Let your light push you through your dark, one day at a time. Robin William said, “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” Keep on shining, Brittyboo. I love you.

    Your Biggest Fan,
    Future You

    Brittany (Bri) Morton

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Bri, this is soo good!! I am so happy that you never stepped back and let others determine how you lived your life. You are you and you never let others dictate how you would act or feel. I love that about you!! Keep on being your own biggest cheerleader, even if you’re having a ‘bad game’ lol. Great work!! ♥

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  • Miracle


    Our resilience came at a price…..

    It’s no wonder our parents named us Miracle they knew exactly what we would need to survive this kind of life.

    You are a variation of strong that you never knew you could be until we needed to.

    I love everything about you that you once hated!
    The smile that you dialed back will be the one that gets you seen It shows you’re not mean

    Your dark skin that gave them amo to treat you so mean

    Will keep you connected to your ancestors and spiritual team !

    Our ability to feel others is a super power !

    Just keep your mine sane in your darkest hours

    you are shakable…..yet ……unbreakable

    Sincerely You


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Miracle, this is so good! You have been through a lot and even though it was tough, you were so resilient and I am so proud of you for working through that. Although it was difficult, and at times you may want to forget they ever happened, the hardships that you faced helped shape you into who you are today! You are so strong and you should be…read more

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  • Love Yourself

    Dearest Little One,

    You were always full of wonder, asking questions with depth beyond your years. Why was I born a girl at this exact place in time in this exact spot on Earth? How does reincarnation work? Why do some people discriminate based on age, orientation, financial status, religion, and/or faith? Certainly love is the answer, knowing no bounds, waiting patiently for us if we only have the courage to look.

    You always spoke your mind even if you didn’t know it was impolite according to societal norms or expectations. Even if you did, I know you would have been fearless and persistent in your self-expression. You have always been deeply spiritual and never questioned the beauty of your soul. Blessed with the freedom to find deity all around, you found your own moral compass that suited you as a dedicated truth seeker and lifelong learner. This has led you on a quest for growth that is never ending.

    You’ve always been a dreamer, seeking solace in your books. But you also had your own creativity, always citing your imagination whenever someone questioned where you got those ideas from. You never lose sight of the value that comes with playing pretend. Keep dreaming of how the world can be a better place and never stop using that to craft your goals in life.

    Your natural resilience pulled you through so many obstacles, even when you faltered in the darkest of times. But don’t worry little one, that’s waiting for you in your teens and beyond. Just know that I am waiting for you, and all will be well.

    If only you could see us now, I have every confidence you would be as proud of us as I am of you. Nourishing you is what pulls me through and keeps me going. In seeking all the love and light and happiness you were robbed of in those formative years, I find that I am reclaiming the self-love that always came so naturally to you. Yes, I have no doubt that I have made you proud.

    Love, Your Whole Self

    Dana A Nanni

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dana, this is adorable!! The love that you show towards your younger self is so admirable, as some wish that they would have acted, looked, or talked differently. I am glad that you always had a positive vision of yourself and never looked at yourself and thought that you were less than anyone else. You are you and you are SO creative, kind, and…read more

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  • A letter to me

    Dear la’Quinta we’re all grown up now and I’m writing this to let you know how much I love you.
    I love you because you’ve endured so much, from the sickle-cell pain down to the past trauma. We never got an apology, but we made it and we are doing so much better. You remember when you couldn’t look in the mirror and love who you were? Well we no longer live there anymore girl we are In love with who we are inside and out. I love that no matter what you been through your heart stayed pure and never treated others like they treated you. Your social anxiety is getting so much better and you are speaking in front of crowds now. I honor who you are now because as a child we went through mental abuse, verbal abuse, and sexual assaults and you even had suicidal thoughts but you know what ,you didn’t let it stop you. I want to inform you that you are now a great mother of three children and though you still are battling sickle-cell you choose to show up for yourself and your children Daily and I love you for that. We’ve grown so much from then and now I want you to remain who you are no matter what life throws at you because you are going to be a really amazing adult.

    Sincerely , your adult self

    Laquinta clack

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Laquinta, I love this! I am so sorry for what you have been through. No child should ever have to endure such traumatic events. I am so proud of you for being able to stay resilient after all of the challenges you endured. You have become a better person because of them!! Keep up the great work ♥

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  • I was beautiful all along

    At the park one day, I entered a mysterious, lone house that encompassed my mind.

    The gothic architecture spread for what looked like miles, increasing in size from when I carelessly entered.

    The further I walked in, the earlier the memories became. I could see within the different rooms that made up my head space.

    Like a labyrinth of Books.

    Los libros de la buena memoria.

    The beautiful and the decrepit.

    The latter being tightly shut with bundles of ice cold locks and chains, never to be read again.

    Never to be relived.

    However, there was one room that I struggled to open. Not due to a lock, but due to a lack of foresight. For this door was much different from the rest.

    It was a red door, as opposed to the dark walnut i’ve temporarily become accustomed to.

    I entered the room and saw a boy. Sitting criss cross towards a static filled TV screen.

    A Playstation controller in hand.

    A buzzcut from what was once an afro.

    Brown skin.

    A red polo with khaki shorts.

    No shoes. Carefree.

    This was me. In another life. Before the move.

    I now knew where I have entered.

    I now knew I was in my old home.

    The red door, the door to my childhood memories.

    Before I was perceived by my peers.

    Before I internalized that I looked different. That I wasn’t like everyone else.

    I think back on the move, after all these years and how times have changed.

    How my confidence in my skin tone has grown.

    How my confidence in my textured hair has grown.

    How the tears I shed when I looked into the mirror only purified my dark complexion more.

    It shed my years. It opened my pores. It softened my wrinkles.

    It rewrote my scripts. I was beautiful all along.

    I’ve become something I used to be.


    The boy turns. He feels my presence. He smiles.

    “What you looking at?” He giggles, “I’m still here.”

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jean, great work! This was a very captivating piece! Your confidence and ability to live freely is very admirable and I aspire to be more like you! And you are right, your childhood self is still here and will forever be with you! Keep up the great work ☺

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  • The View of Me

    It’s easy, you see.

    To call forth,
    And bring to the surface
    parts of me that I hold close and cherish.

    My inner child, I hold her hand. Daily.
    “It’s going to be okay”.
    I say, to that breath full beauty of a budding poet.
    An emerging friend of everyone.

    It’s easy, you see.
    For I’m more her than the
    Grown women that I’m “supposed” to be.

    I’m more the girl, who still escapes from pain.
    Or, more like bursts- under pressure, but only functions that way……Eventually….
    Kind of girl.
    I’m more The Girl. Then the brave Queen from which my pen always speaks.
    She’s close too, you see.
    All the versions of me I can believe into reality.
    Sweet girl, you see!
    She is you,
    is I and me.

    Oh, how I’m in love with your beauty and awe of earth’s precious things!
    Don’t ever be afraid to speak!
    You never know whose ears and heart will ring in recognition…
    For It is known, that we are all one.
    Past, future, and present.
    Forever linked.

    Shawna Lee Katharina Marinello

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shawna, this is so beautiful. I am so happy that your kindness and love have never diminished throughout your life. I love where you said “Past, future, and present. Forever linked.” Your past made you who you are today and you should always be grateful for everything that you have gone through because it made you into the wonderful person that…read more

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  • Dear Younger Me

    Dear younger me,
    If I could sit with the girl I used to be,
    In the tumultuous halls of middle school, where I felt so lost at sea,
    A fragile soul, a heart so tender and free,
    I’d take your hands and tell you, “Stop the constant self-doubt and fear, You’re stronger than you know, don’t let their words draw near.”

    Their laughter and whispers, it’s just empty noise,
    A pathetic distraction from their own unfulfilled joys.
    It’s a hollow sound, a meaningless refrain,
    Don’t let it sink in deep, don’t let it take its toll and stain.
    You’re better than their hate, your worth is your soul,
    A brilliant light, a precious whole.

    I’d say, “Don’t hide away, your voice matters too,
    It’s unique and valuable, let it ring out true.
    Believe in yourself, that’s all you have to do,
    Your worth isn’t defined by them, it’s found in you,
    In the depths of your heart, in the truth of your mind,
    You are enough, you are kind.

    Be kind to your body, it’s your only home,
    A beautiful vessel, a sacred throne.
    Nourish it with goodness, with fruits and with greens,
    Eat well, move often, make your health your own dreams.
    You’ll feel the difference, you’ll be strong, you’ll be grown,
    A vibrant spirit, a life fully known.

    Oh, and the music, the guitar in your hands,
    A tool for expression, a voice for your plans.
    The words you’ll write, the songs you’ll stand,
    It soothes your soul, it sets you free, it expands,
    Your heart, your mind, your very being,
    Keep practicing, you’ll see, you’ll be gleaming.

    And the friends you’ll find, the true ones who’ll stay,
    Through every up and down, through every step of the way.
    Distance won’t matter, time won’t fade,
    The love you’ll share, the bond you’ve made,
    A connection deep, a friendship true,
    A treasure rare, a gift to you.

    Heartbreak will come, it’s a painful part,
    A shattering of dreams, a tearing of the heart.
    But it will teach you, it will show you the start,
    Of what you want, of what you need,
    A love that lifts you, a love that frees,
    A love that cherishes, a love that sees,
    The real you, the true you, the best you.

    So keep the faith, girl, don’t you forget,
    You’re not alone, you’re never bereft.
    God is with you, in every single day,
    In every breath, in every way.
    Be strong, be brave, find your own way,
    A path that’s yours, a journey to slay,
    The doubts, the fears, the insecurities,
    And step into the woman, into the realities.

    And love, oh love, it will come your way,
    A love that’s patient, a love that’s kind.
    Be patient, dear heart, it’s not a race,
    But a dance, a sway, a gentle embrace.
    It’s a journey, it’s a winding road,
    But it’s worth the wait, it’s worth the load,
    The weight of the world, the sting of the pain,
    Will be lifted, will be replaced with love’s sweet refrain.

    Oh, little one, don’t waste a single tear,
    You are enough, always, year after year.
    Be gentle with yourself, through every fall,
    You are brave, you are loved, through it all.
    You’re growing, you’re learning, you’re finding your way,
    Through the darkness and the light, through every single day.
    Keep moving forward, keep pushing through,
    You are stronger than you think, you’ll make it through.

    The future you.

    Mackenzie Firman

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Mackenzie, I love, love, love this! This is so beautifully written. You are enough, no matter what anyone ever tells you. I am so sorry for everything that you’ve had to go through. You are so incredibly powerful and it is present in your words. Your younger self would be so proud of you. You have become an amazing person with such a pure and…read more

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  • You're The Reason

    You’re the reason – a poem to my younger self by Talesha Wright.

    They say when you’re a child, you learn your most important lessons.
    That’s quite a lot of pressure put on you as an adolescent.
    But by golly, you internalized every lesson, and on any foolishness, you didn’t dwell.
    And though life wasn’t perfect, any strife, you carried it well.

    You’re the reason I am here today, writing you this letter.
    Because of you, I am the best version of myself, I couldn’t do any better.
    You took what you were given- you listened and you learned.
    It’s like you knew what was in store, so for knowledge is what you yearned.

    You made me tough, you made me strong. You made me quite resilient.
    The way you navigated what you were presented with, is actually quite brilliant.
    You moved with purpose, you moved with poise.
    You stayed focused, but still indulged in the childhood joys.

    Without all that you were, I wouldn’t be me today.
    I wouldn’t have had a strong foundation on which my future would lay.
    Your smiles made people love you, your honesty made people trust you.
    Your dedication made others admire you, your discipline made others respect you.

    You always wanted to be a writer, well baby girl, your dream came true.
    Your second book is coming out. The first was red, and this one is blue.
    You connect with others so well with words, did you know that’s how you’d be?
    You started writing in 5th grade, who knew it’d be your catalyst to becoming financially free.

    Even though you were just a child, you prepared me so well.
    And I’m grateful for all you did and that you picked yourself up when you fell.
    I won’t let you down baby girl, you put some hard work in.
    Now I’ll take over and ensure everything you wanted to challenge yourself with, you’ll win.

    Talesha L. Wright

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Talesha, this is so good! Your younger self would be SO proud of you. You have faced many challenges, but you never let it get the best of you. You are so resilient and your perseverance is why you are who you are today! Great work!!

      By the way, what’s the name of your book? I would love to support you! ♥

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      • Thank you so much ! Your kind words are truly appreciated. My first book is called Love All Over and is available on Amazon. I launch my second book on September 8th of this year and will reply back then with the name and where you can get a copy 💙

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  • Oh, Wild One

    Oh Wild One,
    The way your untamed curls bounce in the wind, forming the sails on a boat to our own little wonderland in the sky. You dizzy dreamer you, always seeing the light in the caverns that shroud your life. A true fire sign, your laughter fills a room with even the worst of acoustics, your passion can be felt like embers escaping the flames that all but consume you. What beauty to be found in resilience, with the loudest shades of red, orange and magenta- in our favorite paisley pants that tell everyone “Here she comes!”. Our favorite ruby red slippers signifies our own hopes of finding our own yellow brick road in hopes of landing in Oz. The sounds of the early 2000’s ring through mom’s Grand Caravan and we live for the days when Auntie burns the latest Myspace takeover so we can forever remember the sounds that encompass the memories of a bygone era. When did you get so good at carrying a tune? You always admired those who made waves, made names, and made history. They labeled us as “difficult”, “distracted” “a troubled kiddo”. Our energy was never one to be contained, our genius never understood. They gave us “vitamins” to control our rambunctious wildfire in effort to dull the heat thinking it dangerous when all we wanted was to provide warmth and light. Let them stare, let them judge, let them scowl. After all, they could never measure up to your little legacy. Oozing with optimism, you’re a marvel all on your own. You have always been a star, burning bright amongst your friends who allow you to shine all on your own. The sounds of the swings recoiling from cherry bombs were always a favorite. To have the power to fly amongst the clouds, arms spread like a phoenix, serves one of our biggest dreams, so the swings will have to do for now (spoiler alert- at 24, that has never changed, but wait until you hear about Southwest Airlines). There will come a day when you do nothing but wish for these days back. I know that adulthood sounds so tantalizing. After all, ordering food whenever you want, listening to music and flying down the freeway with zero cares, unlimited shopping sprees complete with “sweet little treats” at the end, and endless nights of dancing and creating your own space to thrive sounds alluring. Remember in the movies when the rain came down in the clubs? Alas, you spitfire soul, those daydreams serve as little more than that. Enjoy the fountains of youth, dip your toes amongst the dew drops that arise in the patch of grass that grazes the curb at the bus stop, run out in the rain in that neon, flower power raincoat that could easily stop traffic. When the girls want to watch those Barbie movies, grab our favorite rugged “blanky” no one knows about from beneath Mr. Snuggles and enjoy the bubblegum pink fantasies even if you think you’re too old to do so. Your energy is eternal, our youth however, is not. Grandma was right when she said that time moves faster with each passing year, so make sure to take these passing moments in your stride. Mirrors never became our best friend but please know, no matter how much Windex you use, it will never be able to encapsulate the beauty you possess, the courage in your heart, the pain you turned into strength behind your toothy smile. Everyone is trying so desperately to find heaven, so don’t worry about giving them a little hell, kid. Everyone around you is trying so desperately to fit in-don’t fall for it. Your dimples, the perfectly imperfect crooked smile, your lustrous curls (P.S don’t straighten them so much- you’ll learn how much people envy those “frizzy” ringlets) and your giving heart all come together to create someone so important, so gracious, and a spirit that is so impenetrable. Please be gentle on yourself, we are all each other has. Don’t give up even when the “going gets going” as Nana says, I promise you, your story is far from over. Be kind, be brave, be fearlessly and unabashedly you. It truly is the best it gets.

    With as much love as you deserve,
    The evolved you.

    Gabby Sardenelli

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is awesome Gabby. I love how you describe your younger self as a “spitfile” that everyone is trying to calm down. I hope you care that energetic spirit with you today and I am glad you see how wonderful it is to stand out and be yourself – no matter how much people fight it. You were and are a star. So keep shining. Thank you for sharing and…read more

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    • The feed back means so much to me! Thank you for taking the time to read my piece and allow the true message to resonate. I appreciate the platform and the opportunity!

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    • Gabby, I love this! Your carefree spirit will hopefully be with you throughout your life. I love that you have always been optimistic, even during difficult times. Your willingness to stand out from the crowd is very admirable and I wish I was more like this! I find myself going with trends or what others say when I really should just be myself!…read more

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  • amorguen submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    To Someone I Once Knew and Someone I Will Come to Know

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • the complexity of childhood

    i remember you.
    worn, checkered vans carrying you through the city as you clung to grandpa.
    you craved individuality, even when the word was unknown to you.

    i remember you.
    a book, or three, stuffed next to a three ringed binder inside your bright red backpack. perfectly organized, perfectly content.
    you craved knowledge, just for the sake of it.

    i remember you.
    picking oranges, drying your hair in the sunlight, refusing to come inside until the moon began to peak.
    you craved healing, and felt yourself whole only when coupled with the earth.

    i remember you.
    you pushed that little boy down because he hurt the girl in your class who never spoke. what was her name?
    you craved justice, the world may not be fair, but you chose to be.

    i remember you.
    clutching your mother, wiping her tears as she laid in your twin sized bed. she slept there for years.
    you craved compassion, even when you were shown none.

    i remember you.
    standing up to the man who beat you, submission as foreign to you as a father’s love.
    you craved fearlessness, and, my girl, you became it.

    i remember you.
    with a smile that stopped time, a smile that brought life.
    you craved joy, no moment too small and every moment worth gratitude.

    i remember you.
    with your window always down, forever asking mother if she could turn up the radio a bit louder.
    you craved adventure, and who are you to be denied?

    i remember you.
    alone in a room, the apartment empty. triple checking if the front door was locked, not knowing where they all disappeared to, why they went without you.
    you craved safety, and you deserved it.

    now, i stare at my daughters, watching in wonder. little and brave, headstrong and joyful. untamed curls and wild laughs.

    a flooding of peace that i’m still getting used to, witnessing the childhood you never received, but somehow created within yourself… i remember you.

    thank you.

    Lia Brooke

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lia, this is such a beautiful letter. I hope that you always keep your inner child with you and continue to make her proud every day. Everything that you went through as a child is not unnoticed and you are so loved and cared about. These events were so difficult for you to manage, but you persevered and continued to be your true, loving,…read more

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  • Come back when you’re ready

    You smiled so wide. You were happy and free. A ray of sunshine even the clouds couldn’t hide.

    So fearless but so cautious. Took on any problem head on but also took precautions.

    You gave the purest forms of love. Like kindness and understanding and keeping everyone’s spirits high when things got rough.

    So infectious with your silliness. It was so hard for people to contain this.

    You moved so gracefully through whatever obstacles you were facing. You jumped so high over hurdles and you conquered every goal you were chasing.

    So beautiful. Inside And out. Radiant in every way. An irresistible aura beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    You always see the good even when times grew dark. Like looking forward to the rainbow at the end of a storm. A true work of art.

    So I’m writing this poem as a reminder to me. To find my way back to the way we used to be.

    Charlaya Irving

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Charlaya, I love this. Your positivity and radiance as a child are so evident in your writing and I can tell that those pieces of you have carried on into your adult life. Even though you have evolved as a person, the beauty and love in your heart will never change. You will always be a good person with so much joy to share with the world, even if…read more

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  • mazekorn submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Time Machine

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  • The Spindle

    I tiptoe into the room where the crib is
    I peer down at myself
    Baby girl, as my mother called me
    Even when I was a grown woman
    I pick her up and cradle her
    She can’t hear her parents fighting
    She doesn’t know the hell she will go through
    Right now she knows the
    Sound of her mother’s beating heart
    And the lullaby she sings that I can never find
    Baby girl, you don’t know me yet, but you will
    I come bearing gifts like the wise men at the manger
    I bestow upon you a beautiful mind
    At 10 years old you will want to be the first black woman
    President and Supreme Court Justice
    You will watch Vietnam documentaries AND
    Professional Wrestling
    And be addicted to true crime
    You will play fight with boys but hit them for real
    For something they did yesterday
    You will be a bastion of useless information
    But knowledge will be only one of your powers
    I bestow strength
    You will bear the crosses of men
    You should crucify instead
    They will tell you you’re beautiful
    But you won’t believe it until your daughter tells you
    And you see yourself in the eyes of your favorite lover
    Before you roll your own back
    Your lips will grow into pillows that will
    Comfort babies and
    Collide with lovers like jets over Hamburger Hill
    You will grow in beauty, with tiger eyes and
    Hair that men will beg you not to cut
    Cut it anyway Delilah
    You will have a son and lose him
    And you will position yourself at
    The base of the wailing wall and you will
    Moan, you will sway, and yet you will not die
    You will give birth to rainbows
    Promises that the pain was worth it
    Even when the ark of your heart
    Is slammed against rocks
    It will not break
    You will be the one to say the things
    Others are scared to say
    You will proudly wear a target and
    Dare them to take a shot
    You will be the one to be as blunt as a brick wall
    You will be the oracle but unlike
    Cassandra, they will listen
    Baby Girl
    I call upon the patience and grace
    I have yet to find,
    It will not be an easy road we travel
    Sometimes we will walk, others run
    Others crawl away on our belly
    From the trenches in the war inside us
    But you will not die.
    Warsan Shire will call us a woman who is difficult to love
    But there is divinity in us
    Magic, Power, Sex, Anger
    A heart, hot glued, dirty,
    An old woman with a rose at door of a prince
    Waiting for true love’s kiss
    But start with the mirror my love
    And leave your lips on the glass as a reminder
One day you will have a choice
    To touch the spindle and die
    Or hide forever behind the wailing wall
    Touch the spindle baby girl
    You will not die.

    Jaz Taihreen

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jaz, I am so sorry for the loss of your son and the other challenging circumstances you have endured. But you sound powerful, brilliant and resilient. I hope you keep chasing your “little girl dreams.” Also, I love how you started this piece with imagery of you in a crib. Very vivid and creative. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part…read more

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  • eredfern426gmail-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Little Me

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • samarie12 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    The Warrior & Pure Spirit

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • dirtyjz submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Take me home

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  • Becoming a better version

    Your heart is so big and generous. You are a pioneer for questioning the cult’s beliefs. This leads us into a dark and hideous place. I urge you not to urge you go into the shadows, I can heal you; I believe in you. You will learn to create healthy boundaries so you won’t be passive-aggressive. You are brave for wearing that hideous chaddar, which you are free of now, and get to be yourself. Also, you no longer get sister zoned. You probably know more French than I do. Linkin Park is our gateway for our love of rock and metal music, you have great taste in movies and TV shows, and they will help you integrate into California. No one said it was easy but here we are blaming our failure on the other, Here we are ready to depart for California. Every step you take leads to being free and a better version; keep pushing. Grades aren’t everything, what is now an F in Mathematics will be an A. Treasure our friends some of whom we still keep in touch with and still consider our best friend. Keep going to the library it is our sanctuary and will keep your mind sharp. Even though we are bullied, I love that you still stand up for your friends. I admire that you kept learning after high school. All these pieces created a better version of ourselves; and for that, I thank you and I love you.
    With lots of love, 
    Your future self.

    Asma Raja

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Asma, I love this! You are so strong and smart and I am glad that the characteristics you developed as a child have stayed with you throughout your life. Being resilient after getting bullied is so hard, but I am proud fo you for staying brave and always sticking up for what is right. Keep being you!! ♥

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  • sanbencoral submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    To Myself…♥️

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Your Days

    If ever there was a day when you might
    Need me, it may be now. If ever there was a day
    You might feel shut in a room with locked doors
    Staring down at you expectantly, it may be now.
    So, please, pick up this paper. Take a few
    Unsettling heartbeats to cast your eyes
    And drink what I can pour from my days. Your Days.

    I don’t know what forest you are walking through.
    Nor what hands hold yours, but I do know that
    The forest is full of unknowns. It can be cold at night
    When silence falls. Roots too easily hidden
    By a gentle carpet of moss can reach up
    And take you down to the bed of pine needles
    Beneath your feet.

    So, if someone asks you why you feel frightened
    Of where you walk, or why you feel exposed
    Tell them: Because we are in a forest.
    It grew without any thought of me, without
    Any regard for a visitor. The trees need an anchor
    While the animals need a place to call home.
    The ferns and knotwood need sunlight
    Of which they will always have. Should
    I walk as if the forest needs me?

    You are strong. The meadows and thickets
    Surrounding you are new because you
    Are new. You came from marble halls and wooden
    Floors and carpet laid bare. And you walked.
    To explore is to be uncomfortable, and sometimes
    Loneliness is your other hand. Good and bad,
    Full and empty, you will survive if you let yourself
    Survive. There is no one like you, and to deprive
    The world of such a unique creature would
    Do her a disservice. You are valued, not in the eyes
    Of today’s friend or tomorrow’s decision maker
    But in your choices. Your choices of how you say
    Hello to those who struggle more than you. Who
    Have less than you. How do you shake the hand
    Of hatred, How do you shake the hand of Love?

    Wherever you walk, wherever you stand, make it known
    Love will start, and end, with you.

    Tom Delmonte

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tom, I love this! You are so special and unique. Your individuality creatively inspires me! You are an excellent writer. You explored the uncomfortable situations and took them as learning opportunities. You can do anything you set your mind to. Great work! Keep writing ♥

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