

  • 2007; 2024

    You sit on the couch with a lamp on
    Writing a poem
    Bananas on the coffee table
    Are ripening.

    You’re creative
    Expressing yourself authentically
    You observe carefully
    Sensing the world around you
    You contain depth and wisdom
    A counter to a mainstream thought process
    Seeing details and complexities
    You feel everything deeply
    You write to make sense
    Of the world around you
    The bananas are ripe.

    You feel inadequate
    You harden your shell
    The bananas are overripe.
    You stop writing poetry
    The bananas rot.
    Fruit flies swarm
    And colonize
    How you feel about who you’ve become
    In comparison to who you were

    But then an opportunity appears
    To revisit the past
    When the bananas were beginning to ripen
    To write a poem
    To your inner child
    Where you’re reminded of the little girl
    Who was unique
    Who wrote to make sense of her world
    And remember
    That the inner child hasn’t been lost
    These qualities still exist within her

    A vinegar and dish soap trap
    The fruit flies give out
    Are coaxed out
    And she is once again writing a poem

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I always say we the goal is we grow is not to become someone knew but rather to stay true to who we have always been, and then become the best version of her/him. This piece reminded me so much of that sentiment. I love this part, “ou’re reminded of the little girl
      Who was unique
      Who wrote to make sense of her world
      And r…read more

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  • Est. May 11, 2004

    You’re a beach baby girl,
    Who is somehow forever porcelain.
    Seashells were your favorite,
    Always researching about their origin.

    You reside on your throne;
    Stuffed animals as your subjects.
    In your motorized carriage,
    Listening to all the best 2000s club hits.

    You’re a natural teacher’s pet,
    With platinum blonde fur.
    Carrying your Justice laptop bag—
    Hot pink is always such an allure.

    You love picking up bugs,
    The feeling of moss under bare-feet,
    The warmth of the sun,
    And a juicy watermelon slice treat.

    You’re a bright-eyed adrenaline junkie,
    Basking in the lights of county fairs.
    Funnel cakes and lemonade,
    Towering ferris wheel scares.

    You give drawings as gifts,
    And obsess over Monster High dolls.
    Playing games on Nintendo consoles,
    And hanging posters on the walls.

    You’re a secret keeping starlet,
    Posing all soft and carefree.
    You love the impact you make in the world,
    And you love that you are me.

    Cat Shores

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww I absolutely love this (even though it makes me feel old. I was a sophomore in college in 2004). It sounds like you were extremely sweet, curious, and appreciative of the little things in life. I hope you always carry your little self’s energy and spirit because she sounds pretty wonderful. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The…read more

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  • Kelsey’s Superpower

    Dear Kelsey, I saw your tears,

    In times of doubt and valid fears.

    This letter is to show you how

    Your tears have built what you have now.
    They told you not to cry, to keep

    Your tears for something more deep.

    But still you cried, out of sight,
And used tears for your dreams’ delight.
    Remember when you ran that race,

    you went to the bathroom to have some space.
    On the way back you were met with disdain,
You let their words fuel your pain.
    A friend who turned her back so cold,

    Her words, the sharpest, loudest bold.

    Each bullet word, it pierced you through,

    Yet stoic, strong, you never withdrew.
    You took that hurt and raced ahead,

    With lungs on fire, eyes seeing red.

    You came in first, with pain as fuel,
Transforming hurt, your special tool.
    Transmutation is your super power,

    From tears, your strength blossoms like a flower.

    Abuse, rejection, hate, and scorn,

    All turned to love, a new you born.
    What I love most about you is this,
    You take pain and make happiness.
    Your tears now form a mighty sea,
Of justice, love, and harmony.

    You honor body, spirit whole,

    An inspiration, from your heart and soul.
    Fearless, towards your dreams you run,

    With love, your journey’s just begun.

    Authentic, true in all you do,

    Forever, always, Kelsey, you.

    Kelsey Oblisk

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kelsey! I am so sorry you experienced hurt, but what this poem describes is someone who is incredibly resilient. And that’s a reason to be very proud of younger you and the person you are today. I love this line, “Transmutation is your super power,

      From tears, your strength blossoms like a flower.

      I was a sensitive child, too. I am so glad you…read more

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  • Creativity

    Not a big deal, she said
    Everybody does this she thought
    But being creative is one of the biggest blessings
    It means winning every school project
    Escape with my aunt
    Be proud of my accomplishments
    The excitement of start to finish
    The chocolate piano making music sing
    The t-shirts of Percy Jackson fighting high in the sky
    The valentines boxes impressing the judges
    The special birthday cards for special people
    The constant inspiration
    The constant smiles
    The constant love
    The constant people
    The constant showing off
    Impressing the crowd

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachel, this is a great poem! You are SO creative and it really does shine through your writing. Even though you have a brilliant mind full of great ideas, you are amazing and you are enough! You don’t always have to please others or worry about their views of you. Keep writing and being yourself! ♥

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  • majesticpoetic369 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Inner Magic

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  • Eye Contact, Silliness, Too Much Hair, Circa 2005

    I love your steadfastness and wisdom.
    The way you make eye contact.
    The way you only perform for your most trusted people.
    I love the way you are careful yet unguarded.

    I love your cheetah print pants and your jelly shoes and your “belly shirt.”
    I love your rectangle glasses and your platform flip-flops.
    I love it when you direct neighborhood movies.
    You have vision and passion that is spurred on by your silliness.

    I love your unkempt eyebrows and unshaven legs.
    I love the gap in your teeth and your frizzy hair.
    I love that you don’t even know what I’m talking about.
    You aren’t trying to define yourself. You just are.

    Emma Hofmann

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Emma, this is AMAZING. You are so creative and I loved this piece. The end is my favorite: “I love that you don’t even know what I’m talking about.
      You aren’t trying to define yourself. You just are.” Most little kids don’t care about what others think of them or how they look. It is society that makes us believe that we should be insecure. You a…read more

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  • My Sunshine

    My Sunshine, I know it’s been a while.
    I hadn’t have the time to see you.
    I hadn’t have the time to listen to you,
    Or watch you play.

    My Sunshine, you’ll still light up my world when I see you next.
    You’ll laugh like the tinkling drops of a sunshower against my dry skin.
    You’ll sing like the scissortails playing across the grass fields of my lonely home,
    Or you’ll give me gifts of hopeful flowers when I can’t bear to keep on marching.

    My Sunshine, there’s no telling when we’ll see each other, maybe never again,
    But wait for me one more day, one more week, one more hour. I’ll see you someday.

    Alexis Rae

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alexis, this is a great piece. You can still find ways to bring your childhood into your daily life! Whether it’s just being silly with your loved ones or doing something you loved to do as a kid, these little things are what keep little you alive and with you every day! You will see her again ♥

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  • I love you always

    To little Cher:

    I loved you young.
    I love you now.
    And I’ll love you old.

    Every single version that has brought me to where I am today.
    Where I was yesterday.
    Where I will be tomorrow.

    I love you.

    Your unapologetic way of being you.
    Each version of you.

    From the first word I spoke to the word I am re-learning now…

    The word is “no.”

    It shaped me.
    It made me.
    And now it’s changing me…
    reverting me back into who I was.

    I am becoming more and more me than I’ve ever been.

    Full circle.

    I am me re-becoming me.
    Being born again into myself.

    Re-learning how I unlearned boundaries.

    I said “no.”
    Did you hear me?
    No, I don’t want it.
    No, I don’t like it.
    No, I don’t approve.

    I protected my own peace.
    I drew a very straight line with my “no.”
    With my decisiveness.

    Somewhere along the way I started to say “yes.”
    Yes, even when I didn’t want it.
    Even when I didn’t like it.
    Even when I didn’t approve.

    I tried to keep the peace.
    My line was blurred by indecision.

    By keeping the peace for everyone else I broke my own.
    I destroyed myself pleasing everyone else.

    it came around again,
    full circle.

    My first word that later on I forgot how to say.

    Return to your childhood self.
    Become the real you.
    The you that you were before the world changed you.

    And I have.
    Thank you little me.

    I’m 30 now and I’m learning to say it again.
    It gets easier every time.

    You find your inner peace again.

    Thank you little Cher, for the wisdom you’ve brought back.

    ~ Older Cher

    Cheridan Smith

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cheridan, this is SO good!! This was so creative and I enjoyed every line. Even though you felt as if you lost your voice for a while, I am glad that you are slowly regaining parts that you had lost. My favorite line of this is “Every single version that has brought me to where I am today” because so many people (good experiences and bad) want to…read more

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  • lina submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    To My Little Self

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  • zodi777 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    My Beautiful Black Angel

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  • catybethf submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Oh Starling

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  • I Grew Up In An Opera

    I Grew Up In An Opera

    Silence polluted the apartment
    like smoke from my father’s cigars.
    My mother made rare appearances
    due to lengthy bookings in darkened rooms.
    My uncle the doctor gave me candy
    when he visited her.
    The Rabbi said I needed to be patient.
    I was nine; what is patience?
    Every night
    my father drank 2 shots of rye and read the paper
    before he went to her room.
    Her room. The Prima.

    When he came out, he never saw me
    standing outside the door.

    I wanted to talk to the wizard;
    Dorothy had it easy.


    Hey Blondie:

    you were and are
    amazing. Firstborn
    with a boy’s name
    whose genes for so
    happy you started growing
    and developing and were
    too “big” for your age
    so you wore mom’s clothes
    and still thought you were
    cute as you pranced around
    wearing nothing but an apron,
    while your baby brother laughed
    and your mother cried.
    You didn’t bother changing
    as time moved around you;
    you didn’t see the point
    and still don’t. That’s why
    I can still wear crazy barrettes
    and thrift store treasures
    that get missed by the
    greater good. I know
    you’re in charge!
    Thank you for staying close
    during all the hard times.
    I’m sure that’s why
    I can still laugh
    with the best of them
    and think a blue sky
    or a day of rain is just
    Yo cutie: Continue
    to rock on.

    Daley, your bestie

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dale, this is so cute. I love that you have never lost your spunk and creativity throughout the years. You are so unique and I think your younger self would have loved to know that you never lost that feature. Keep being you because you are amazing! I aspire to be as carefree and quirky as you ☺♥

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  • sinz83 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    So long and goodbye

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  • You

    You are kind, almost to a fault, but I love that about you
    You root for the small ones
    There is never an insect that crosses your path who does not get moved to safety
    You care, truly and deeply
    And everyone can feel it
    You are delicate as a tropical climate; it’s a miracle how you brave the storms that pass through your mind
    Yet you remain hopeful, optimistic as sunshine
    You are so wild, how you dance, sing, and scream
    You feel so much, and you let it be seen
    You carve out your place
    because you know you belong
    You are passionate as hell
    you let us know what you want
    I admire you so much, and my greatest regret
    Is letting you be lost, letting myself forget
    But I owe it to us now, and we both know it’s true
    That I let myself, once again,
    be you.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cloey, I love this! It is perfectly normal to feel this way. Even though you may have felt your childhood self disappear for a while, that doesn’t mean that she wasn’t always with you. You just had to do a bit of digging to pull her out! I love how encouraging you were in your words! Your younger self would have loved to hear that. Great work ♥

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  • elusivelypoetic submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    You made me HER

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  • To Mckenna with a lowercase k

    I like the way you changed your name whenever you felt like it, and that you decided the “k” in your first name was lowercase even though it wasn’t that way on your birth certificate.

    I like how brutally honest you were, even to your own detriment- when your kindergarten teacher told you she was going to report your bad behavior to your mom when she came to pick you up, you reminded her at the end of the day so she wouldn’t forget.

    I like that you were kind to people- you used your own money to buy Easter baskets for your neighbors and wrote thank you letters to all of your teachers each year.

    I like that whenever someone asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said “a lifeguard” because you liked being by the water and wanted to be able to save people.

    I like the way you wrote a short story, complete with a table of contents, publishing info, and acknowledgement, about how much you hated chickens and gave it to your first grade teacher as a gift.

    I like the way you experimented with “fashion,” whether that was your mom’s old skirts or tying a scarf around your waist. I wish I could be more like you; you were always true to yourself and didn’t care what anyone else thought.

    I like that you didn’t notice you were poor- you wore taped-up shoes to school with pride, and while your classmates went on vacations and to summer camp, you went to work with mom and spent your days relishing the AC and free Wifi, and to you that was the best thing in the world.

    I like that you were able to take refuge in your own mind. I remember when you were at the playground, you must have been about 5, and a young man asked you what you were thinking about. You said, “I’m thinking my favorite thoughts.”

    You didn’t tell him that you were born with your favorite thoughts, but you added to them over time.

    That they stayed in the back of your brain and when you needed them you unrolled them like a tape measure, grabbing each one until they ran out.

    That you needed your favorite thoughts, because your rich inner world meant you didn’t always do a great job of expressing yourself on the outside, so the other kids shied away from you and called you weird.

    But when you accessed your favorite thoughts, the outside world didn’t matter .

    When you were in your own world, you were at peace.

    Skye Sarac

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Skye, I love, love, love this! It sounds like you were an awesome kid with a unique and captivating personality. Even though you have changed as a person, that doesn’t mean that your childhood has to stay in the past! You are who you are because of the special characteristics your younger self had. I am so proud of who you have become and hope…read more

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  • Fountain of Youth

    Define child play? A child who is lost in the world having a crazy imagination. Reflecting back on the younger years when we were carefree. We were young, wild, and free. Thankful for the memories like a broken record playing the same, old song. Bittersweet memories, now part of my broken, rearranged heart. But life has changed me and I know I have changed. I wish I knew then what I know now. Through the times I have grown. I am filled with regret but, my heart still beats. In this life, regrets are just lessons we’ve arranged. Lost in the past, with every mistake. We were young and dumb. Clueless as to who we wanted to be. I want to go back to when I was young when I was a kid. I don’t blame you for taking the easy way out. I just thought I could do without thinking about the future. I remember when I was younger we were so cheap and shaped. It must’ve seemed like yesterday. How time flies by. Still remember the thrill and the thrill of the ride. I still feel the joy, even though we’ve rearranged. I remember how I used to laugh and joke.

    I can’t forget the good times I had in the past. Drawing as a child, playing hide and seek, flying planes in the park, going to carnivals etc. It was so much fun and liberating.
    All these memories, I’m celebrating.
    I was not ashamed of who I was and who I am now. I didn’t think that I could ever have the strength to stand alone and let it go
    I’ve learned my lesson, regret’s just a dead-end road. I’m chasing dreams, leaving the past behind to explode. Now I finally see the road that lead me to this road. This is the life I chose. No matter where I go the wind blows
    I found my voice, no longer afraid to expose.
    Now I’m free, my true self I gladly disclose.

    Tracie Sperling

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Tracie, this is AMAZING. You are so creative in your writing and I hope you continue to share more with The Unsealed. My favorite line in this is “Regrets are just lessons we’ve arranged.” This is a brilliant quote that I will now be using! You are so right! Some people take regrets as mistakes that ruin their lives, but I love your perspective a…read more

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  • hartcentered submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 2 months ago

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    Dear Younger Me,

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  • Upside Down is Lovely.

    Hello little one.
    You think you don’t know me, but if you saw me, you would recognize me, although you wouldn’t know why. You can be skeptical, and untrusting but it is not your nature. There are people around your who are not well. It’s not their fault and they love you. And they will sometimes say the wrong thing. So please, take a minute to read my words.
    You have a life ahead for which you are well suited. Things are not always easy; you have the gift of seeing everyone in their best light. I love that about you because people feel safe with you. Make sure you always see yourself in the same amazing light. You are important too. You crave the safety of being heard, understood, and loved. Not everyone will understand you and that is okay, it’s a lot to ask. Sweetest heart, they can still love you.
    Little one, you have the eye of an artist. You want to share the beauty you see with everyone. Do it. Tell the story of your picture, don’t be afraid to draw, there is no such thing as a mistake. It is okay to start over. Don’t let them tell you that you have no talent. You have a spirit that no person can dominate so don’t let the negative comments live in your head. It’s just as easy to toss them in the trash.
    Little one your words have meaning and power. Use them in any way you can. Your notes make people laugh, your letters cleanse your soul and bring clarity. Even when speaking fails you, the pen in your hand will not. Put it to paper and bring your light to the page. You have magic in your manor. You have purity of soul; you have the innocence that is inner beauty. It will draw people to you. Stay gentle, stay true to yourself. It is of you to accept others as they are. You know that each is on their own path. Their presence will ebb and flow with your own in the rhythm of life.
    Little one, your body is strong and beautiful. It was crafted especially for you. Enjoy moving and dancing! It is good to be upside down! You will fall, you won’t break. If you can think it, you can do it. Your brain, not your body, is your limit. Listen to the wisdom of your body when it wants to move, to stretch, to rest. You don’t have to eat if you are not hungry. Your body will tell you when, and what. I love that you already have that knowledge, and that you are so happy in your skin.
    The things that bring you so much joy are in your life to stay. Your dogs, your horses, your art. The love you have for nature and all things outside. You stay grounded and connected to God using all your senses, alone or in concert. You are naturally good at the things it takes others a lifetime to learn. You have the gift of being able to help others see beauty in the same way that you do. Colors, and sounds light and shadow all dance in a symphony of sensation. It is yours to capture in the moment and share. Do it. You are love, and compassion, you are fury and peace, you are the cacophony and the silence. There is power in your words and peace in your touch. You are all things in one package. You do need friends, always. You desire a partner. The closest people in your life should complement and challenge you. There is no such thing as love that intentionally inflicts pain. Please, please remember that.
    Little one, you are amazing, talented, and free. Trust yourself, see the beauty around you. If you trip, pretend you are flying. And live each day as if it is the best day ever.

    Chris Riddle

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Chris, your passion and love is almost palpable!! You are so incredibly strong and I aspire to be more like people like you. Your pure joy and love have carried their way from your childhood to your adult life and I am so happy that you have never lost that. Your younger self would have loved to hear that you grew up to be an amazing person ♥

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      • Harper V, you are so kind. Children are amazing, resilient and so open in their joy. They accept the situation they are in and find it’s beauty. I aspire to be child like in the way I love and the way I embrace life. Like any child I can be dark and moody. I can also dance in the rain with people watching. I hope
        that I inspire love and…read more

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        • I completely agree. Children have an innocence like no other. The beauty in them experiencing everything for the first time is truly amazing. I am happy to hear what you have to say. You are a great writer and I am excited to read more from you!

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  • Kaela Marie, My Inner Child

    Dear Kaela,

    My sweet child that lives within me forever, I hope you forgive me when I forget you’re still with me. Time has aged my body, but hasn’t yet ever weakened your spirit. The one that burns love into my heart even when the world tries to say it is too bright. The only way to live is to put out the fire! The smoke will only hurt your eyes! I know it is only a lie. How could I ever give up what I love the most about you? What fills my memories and thoughts still, time and time again? In my heart, I will always remember once I was you, a child, who lived in her imagination.

    You built worlds of magic and impossibilities and shouldered grief and sorrow into beautiful daydreams. What great times you had too, finding dreams of the world. To see the stories in your mind’s eye. Every book and movie you could never look away from until the story was finished. Stories turned inspiration for your own, spending hours dreaming before you were even asleep.

    I still read the words you wrote all that time ago, diaries upon diaries that fill my nightstand in every home I’ve ever lived in. The world wanted you to feel alone, but how could you? With a pen and pencil, you opened portals to the realities of characters that would never leave you. Created with an imagination that always kept you company, an imagination that you cleverly snuck into the real world. Through dolls and play pretend your stories were as real as the hands that held them. Remember how you organized your bookshelf? Just like your favorite movie, The Secret World of Arrietty, you created space and pathways for the little people to walk through. You left treats and trinkets for them to borrow forever.

    Never alone did you feel when you knew the world held more than the eyes could see. Never unloved will you feel when I see you’re still with me. I love you again and again as I write, seeing your eyes peek through mine. You’re showing me that the same world of magic and impossibilities will never leave me. My eyes were never harmed by your smoke. My sight is only gifted by its path, a path to the worlds you’ve created, to the heavens, and beyond. All only exist by your fire. You give me strength to keep the imagination alive, in a world where make-believe is only just that. I give you love to keep you safe, in a world that tells me to give you away. Never will I, my sweet child, never will I give my imagination away.

    Kaela Folks

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kaela, this is so cute. Never let your childhood slip away from you! I am glad that you have kept the light from little Kaela shining through over the years. Your imagination is so creative and I can tell you have such good ideas and capabilities. Dream big!! You can do anything; you now and your younger self ☺♥

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