

  • Alchemist

    Young and wise
    With a curious mind
    Always searching to find
    A truth you hold inside
    Shining bright
    In dark spaces
    Transmuting complicated situations
    How powerful you are
    But you do not see
    The beauty of your soul
    And all you can be
    An alchemist
    Never a pessimist
    A dreamer
    Despite non believers

    Avery Cunningham

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Avery, I love this! It can be so hard to stay strong in times of hate and evil. I love that you saw your past self as a light in the darkness, and I agree with you that I wish little you was able to see that as well. She would be o proud of who you have become. You are amazing and inspire me! Great work! ♥

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