

  • To My Sweet Inner Child

    The way that love feels reminds me of the peaceful song of birds chirping on a Sunday morning. It is as gentle as the breeze created by a butterfly’s wings and as soft as rose petals. But its impact is as profound as trumpets in a marching band.

    Love is the act of showing compassion, empathy, consideration, and forgiveness to others. It is more than putting Neosporin and a bandaid on their cuts and scrapes. Love is helping someone heal the wounds that you cannot see. It is giving them comfort and support on their walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death the same way that you do at their award ceremony.

    Having the capacity to understand these constructs is what makes you extraordinary. The ambiance that you create allows others to be their authentic selves without the fear of judgment. You take the time to get to know them and you accept them for everything that they are. In the process, you do your best to accommodate their wants and needs, even if that means sacrificing your own. Your love is so genuine that you do this in silence hoping that they know how much you adore them. In fact, you love so deeply that you feel the need to protect your loved ones from everything, even yourself.

    That is why you are more valuable than the last golden ticket. Even during your darkest moments, you are a source of light for the people around you. Having the ability to save others while also saving yourself is the most beautiful gift that God can give a person. I know that at times it feels like a curse but that could not be further from the truth. It is your superpower.

    Having a purpose bigger than yourself is not easy. If it was, everyone would be a superhero. I know that there are times when you want to give up because your heart hurts. Sometimes you just want to disappear because you feel like no one sees you. All that you want is for someone to show you the love that you give so freely. When they do not, you find yourself crying quietly in the middle of the night because you do not understand why you are not enough. But you are.

    You are not the problem. Love is never supposed to feel like a game of tug-a-war. It is a gift exchange. The currency that is spent on the gift is reciprocation. People can only love you as much as they love themselves. We cannot spend money that we do not have and that is okay.

    When someone does not show you the same love that you show them, try not to get upset. Instead, pray that they learn how to love themselves more and remember the first rule of gift exchanges. They always have a spending requirement. If you cannot afford to spend the minimum amount required, then you are not allowed to participate.

    Denying someone access to you is not selfish. It is an important part of self-love. If you pour more into others than they pour into you, your cup will eventually be emptied. When you turn to them for a refill, they will not be able to quench your thirst. This will result in you feeling drained and forgetting who you are.

    I cannot promise you that it will be easy. I cannot promise that you won’t fall sometimes. But I can promise to always pick you back up. When you feel unloved and abandoned, I will be your mirror. I will shine your light back to you and remind you who you are. You are a beautiful blessing to this world. You deserve to be loved, respected and cared for. You deserve everything that your soul desires and more.

    When you feel like no one cares, remember that I do. I see the way that you spread love everywhere that you go like the bumble bees spread pollen. I think that is amazing. I appreciate you for everything that you are. Always remember that my love for you is more abundant than the stars in the night sky and deeper than the Pacific Ocean. For you, my well will never run dry.

    Love Always,
    Your Higher Self

    Kymberlee JoAnn

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, Kymberlee, this is a fantastic letter. My favorite lines of yours are “Love is helping someone heal the wounds that you cannot see” and “Denying someone access to you is not selfish.” Healing internal wounds is so important because nobody could ever know exactly what someone is going through unless they thoroughly explain in to them in great…read more

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