

  • Kelsey’s Superpower

    Dear Kelsey, I saw your tears,

    In times of doubt and valid fears.

    This letter is to show you how

    Your tears have built what you have now.
    They told you not to cry, to keep

    Your tears for something more deep.

    But still you cried, out of sight,
And used tears for your dreams’ delight.
    Remember when you ran that race,

    you went to the bathroom to have some space.
    On the way back you were met with disdain,
You let their words fuel your pain.
    A friend who turned her back so cold,

    Her words, the sharpest, loudest bold.

    Each bullet word, it pierced you through,

    Yet stoic, strong, you never withdrew.
    You took that hurt and raced ahead,

    With lungs on fire, eyes seeing red.

    You came in first, with pain as fuel,
Transforming hurt, your special tool.
    Transmutation is your super power,

    From tears, your strength blossoms like a flower.

    Abuse, rejection, hate, and scorn,

    All turned to love, a new you born.
    What I love most about you is this,
    You take pain and make happiness.
    Your tears now form a mighty sea,
Of justice, love, and harmony.

    You honor body, spirit whole,

    An inspiration, from your heart and soul.
    Fearless, towards your dreams you run,

    With love, your journey’s just begun.

    Authentic, true in all you do,

    Forever, always, Kelsey, you.

    Kelsey Oblisk

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kelsey! I am so sorry you experienced hurt, but what this poem describes is someone who is incredibly resilient. And that’s a reason to be very proud of younger you and the person you are today. I love this line, “Transmutation is your super power,

      From tears, your strength blossoms like a flower.

      I was a sensitive child, too. I am so glad you…read more

      Write me back 

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