

  • The the Wild One

    To the six year old digging for rollie pollies in her neighbor’s backyard,
    never lose that hope.
    Keep searching for the smaller pictures,
    and you won’t find an end to the rope.

    Fight the rules if you think they’re cruel,
    let yourself cry when things are unfair.
    Be prepared for duels,
    and feel the wind through your hair.

    You may be called weird or crazy,
    and some may not be kind to you;
    but if you feel alone,
    feel the grass between your toes,
    and remember there are two.

    We feel all things deeply,
    it’s a beautiful way to live.
    So care for every creature and
    always be willing to give.

    Dance like no one’s watching,
    explore the things you love.
    Do not seek approval-
    you can find it in the sun.

    And please always remember,
    you were born a wild one.

    Kenzie Beck

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Oh my gosh I absolutely love love this piece, especially how you ended it. May you always embody your wild spirit. You have so much wisdom. This part was so creative:

      “Dance like no one’s watching,
      explore the things you love.
      Do not seek approval-
      you can find it in the sun.”

      Keep living life on your own terms. You are a star. Thank you for s…read more

      Write me back 

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