


    Little hands, little feet
    So shy and quite, when you first meet
    Big blue eyes, but behind them hid
    Pain and fear, but we can open the lid
    For the longest time stuffed down inside
    Thats where endless cycles, of toxic behaviors reside

    Just a little girl, but like a bull you were strong
    Those who said different, they were wrong
    You suffered through so much pain
    Still ran outside to play in the rain
    A little free spirit, connected to earth
    Always a wild child, rebeling since birth

    As everyone left you, by death, or by choice
    Along the way, you lost you voice
    You learned to suffer, by yourself, in silence
    The amount of days, you daydreamed of violence
    But you’ve always had you, you’ve always been there
    You shouldn’t have had to be that strong, I know its not fair

    I’m here with you, in the shadows now
    I’m setting you free, I know how
    I thought I was stuffing down all of the pain
    But, it was the little girl, who danced in the rain
    I stuffed you down, so I didn’t have to feel
    Come out my darling, its time to heal

    Katherine Rose

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Katherine, I am so sorry for the pain you’ve endured. With all of the loneliness and sorrow in your life, you still persevered and made the best of your situation. I am so proud of you for being able to overcome everything that happened to you. Although you don’t deserve any of the terrible things that happened to you, the challenges you faced and…read more

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