  • juedonomi submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your lifeWrite a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your life 1 weeks, 5 days ago

    Goodbye to Grandma's House

    Holidays, After school,
    Just because or just for fun,
    Anyday; was always cool.
    Grandma cooking,
    Granddad pranking,
    Cousins always laughing, playing.
    Backyard baseball, candyland,
    Power Rangers, boy life was grand.
    Summer vacation, so much fun!
    Theater, theme parks;
    the ocean, the sun!
    Years go by, now moved in.
    Granddad gets sick, starts to forget.
    We’ve all grown, life continues,
    Now Granddad is gone.
    We passed the tissues.
    Grandma kept cooking and caring for cousins.
    Then spent nearly a year exploring and living her fullest
    Sadly soon her children would go to war over her possessions.
    I sat alone in that house that helped raise me and the other generations.
    Watching the walls and shelves slowly go bare
    Crying, no one to answer my questions.
    Where will I go and who will be with me?
    Who could replace the persons now missing?
    Not a drug. Not a drink.
    Not a man. Not a shrink.
    Now, a decades gone by and the lessons grown clear.
    Genetics skip a generation.
    So their greatness would be saved for those they held most dear!

    Charlotte Young

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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