

  • Beauty through the storm

    Hey Baby Girl. The world was not as kind as we once thought it was ; in fact its pretty cold and the places we once found warmth bare more shade than a willow tree. The world will test your morals, beliefs, strength and most of all your resilience . Please don’t lose sight of you. To give you hope in the times of despair I’ll share a little gem with you. Your smile brightens even the darkest room , your laughter is contagious. Your words hold more power than you know. Your faith will shake rooms and will also be your testimony. In your darkest times ; look inward your heart and intuition will guide you. Your beauty goes way beyond the physical. Your perseverance admirable. When you want to give up… keep going; you must! Your voice matters. Your story matters. I love you. Be strong .

    The older you

    Jasmine Nicole

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jasmine, this is such a beautiful letter! My favorite line is ” Please don’t lose sight of you” because as a child when everyone is trying to figure out who they are and what they like, it can be easy to start changing yourself to fit in with others. Stay true to yourself! You are unique and that is what you should be!! Insecurities can s…read more

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