
jim-c's Letters


Baby boy Tigger

Dear Tigger,
I always thought I was a “dog person”. I never really liked cats too much , let alone thought I’d own one. But a girl dated had a cat. And I really loved him. He kinda looked like you. After he went over the rainbow bridge, she got another one. And I loved him and his flat little face. So this September, based on how much I grew…read more


What Christmas means to me

Dear family,

A typical Corrao Christmas back in the day was just the best. Not because of receiving gifts. Although that was cool too. Even though our family, like many others, all seemed to enjoy giving gifts more than receiving them. But a typical Christmas in our house meant family. It meant mom cooking for an army. It meant homemade…read more


Hey 2022

Dear 2022,

To quote the legendary Grateful Dead, “what a long, strange trip it’s been”. Ok not too strange. But interesting.
From a personal standpoint, you weren’t that great to me. I had plans with a very special someone. Big plans. They didn’t materialize as I’d hoped, to say the least. I learned that from that experience that as much good a…read more


Life lesson: learned

My life lesson :

To talk about my life lesson, I’m gonna do so in generalities. A specific instance, but details aren’t necessary. And kinda painful. But what happened was, about a year ago I lost out on the relationship that I wanted the most ever out of life. It happened because I didn’t communicate properly. I underestimated the impor…read more


Safe space for me

I guess my need for a safe space began as I was in my 20s. And continued beyond and still does. Hard to pinpoint exactly when. But it’s probably about the time that life started getting “real”. When I first heard my mom had cancer as I was recovering from ACL surgery number 1. That was the first “chink in the armor” so to speak of my amazing p…read more


Expanding the comfort zone

I’ve always been very weary of the unknown and trying new things. Clothes, hobbies, especially food. Mom would try to get me to try new food. Me: “I don’t like it”. Mom: “you never tried it”. Me: “ but I know I won’t like it”. My ex girlfriend was mystified by that thinking lol. My buddy says he has a buddy just like me. Go to a restaurant. Try…read more


What I think I like about myself 🙂

Last November , I was dating a girl that I cared about very much. We had made plans about food that I would cook for her birthday party. Was really looking forward to it. But then we broke up. We still hung out a lot. But as friends. With this party upcoming, i insisted that the party still go on and that I would still cook. She said I didn’t h…read more

To my younger and less wise self

A letter to younger Jim,

Ahh yes…writing to myself as a youngster.  So many good times, but yet, the main thing I want to do is grab you and shake you and say “cmon man! get in the game!” lol. More on that in a bit. But moving on. I remember you being pretty shy in your high school days. Not always. But painfully shy in some instances. On the…

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To my younger and less wise self

A letter to younger Jim,

Ahh yes…writing to myself as a youngster.  So many good times, but yet, the main thing I want to do is grab you and shake you and say “cmon man! get in the game!” lol. More on that in a bit. But moving on. I remember you being pretty shy in your high school days. Not always. But painfully shy in some instances. On the…read more

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