

  • If You Only Knew

    Oh little one,
    If you only knew;
    If you only knew the love that was out there for you;
    If only you could see the beauty the world holds for you;
    The beauty the was forged through these flames.
    That your empathy and sensitivity would one day be celebrated instead of shamed;
    That you will be admired for expressing for everything you were taught to suppress.
    Oh little one,
    If only you knew;
    If you only knew I the magic you hold inside of you.
    The divine protection that surrounds you.
    That your capacity for love will be your greatest strength.
    If only you knew the amount of people you will inspire along the dark and weary road;
    That all of your dreams in life were true visions of God;
    Oh sweet child,
    If you only knew.

    Jessica Hamilton

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, Jessica. What a beautiful poem. Little you sounds like she had so much love and passion in her and I hope that you still have that to this day. I am so proud of who you have become and I know that she would be too. Empathy and sensitivity are such unique qualities and I am glad you have always been so pure and joyful, giving your love to the…read more

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