

  • The Spindle

    I tiptoe into the room where the crib is
    I peer down at myself
    Baby girl, as my mother called me
    Even when I was a grown woman
    I pick her up and cradle her
    She can’t hear her parents fighting
    She doesn’t know the hell she will go through
    Right now she knows the
    Sound of her mother’s beating heart
    And the lullaby she sings that I can never find
    Baby girl, you don’t know me yet, but you will
    I come bearing gifts like the wise men at the manger
    I bestow upon you a beautiful mind
    At 10 years old you will want to be the first black woman
    President and Supreme Court Justice
    You will watch Vietnam documentaries AND
    Professional Wrestling
    And be addicted to true crime
    You will play fight with boys but hit them for real
    For something they did yesterday
    You will be a bastion of useless information
    But knowledge will be only one of your powers
    I bestow strength
    You will bear the crosses of men
    You should crucify instead
    They will tell you you’re beautiful
    But you won’t believe it until your daughter tells you
    And you see yourself in the eyes of your favorite lover
    Before you roll your own back
    Your lips will grow into pillows that will
    Comfort babies and
    Collide with lovers like jets over Hamburger Hill
    You will grow in beauty, with tiger eyes and
    Hair that men will beg you not to cut
    Cut it anyway Delilah
    You will have a son and lose him
    And you will position yourself at
    The base of the wailing wall and you will
    Moan, you will sway, and yet you will not die
    You will give birth to rainbows
    Promises that the pain was worth it
    Even when the ark of your heart
    Is slammed against rocks
    It will not break
    You will be the one to say the things
    Others are scared to say
    You will proudly wear a target and
    Dare them to take a shot
    You will be the one to be as blunt as a brick wall
    You will be the oracle but unlike
    Cassandra, they will listen
    Baby Girl
    I call upon the patience and grace
    I have yet to find,
    It will not be an easy road we travel
    Sometimes we will walk, others run
    Others crawl away on our belly
    From the trenches in the war inside us
    But you will not die.
    Warsan Shire will call us a woman who is difficult to love
    But there is divinity in us
    Magic, Power, Sex, Anger
    A heart, hot glued, dirty,
    An old woman with a rose at door of a prince
    Waiting for true love’s kiss
    But start with the mirror my love
    And leave your lips on the glass as a reminder
One day you will have a choice
    To touch the spindle and die
    Or hide forever behind the wailing wall
    Touch the spindle baby girl
    You will not die.

    Jaz Taihreen

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jaz, I am so sorry for the loss of your son and the other challenging circumstances you have endured. But you sound powerful, brilliant and resilient. I hope you keep chasing your “little girl dreams.” Also, I love how you started this piece with imagery of you in a crib. Very vivid and creative. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part…read more

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