  • See clearly In 2 me

    Hello little me, is it me you truly see?
    Or a watered down version of what your truly meant to be?
    Did you follow destiny? Or hide inside to be left be?
    Cuz u were clawing deep inside and screaming at me to be set free.
    But learning to hear your voice took time and lots of clarity.
    Cuz all the things you shared I feared, they scared the living shit outta me.
    So i had to learn to be every single thing you ever needed.
    All the strength you couldn’t muster cuz you felt completely defeated.
    So in turn… inside retreated, all the while your dreams seceded.
    Imagination became depleted, so many things left uncompleted.
    So the task was set, lest I forget, what I now mean to me.
    I’m asking now, I’m reaching out, to see just what you see.
    A man who shares his inner child , so wholly and complete.
    This inner child you see in me,

    Lucas kania

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lucas, I love this! Having regrets about your childhood is completely normal and many go through this. Don’t look back wishing you would have done more or differently. Your younger self would be happy to know that you grew into a great person who is proud of their past and proud of the person that they have become. Great work.

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