

  • If You Had Told Me

    If you had told me long ago,
    what life would be like today;
    I’d stare up at you, legs crisscrossed,
    with a bright and stary gaze.

    The dreams I’d had, the love I’d seeked;
    all things that I’d once felt were far too out of reach.
    Miles ahead by leaps and bounds.
    Things that after all this time,
    I think I’ve finally found.

    You had it within you all along,
    you silly little girl.
    Your kindness and your love
    that was meant to save the world.
    Far too naive to see the bad
    in any living thing.
    Far too trusting to turn your back on an injured, wounded being.
    Far too loyal to be painted in the eyes of your peers.
    Far too gentle to know that you are wise beyond your years.

    You’d never believe the stories I could tell,
    of the experiences of how her enchanted crown fell.
    But after all of that agony and pain,
    you’d be proud to know how she got back up again.
    The world may be a cruel and unforgiving place,
    but the world gets a little softer when you bless it with your grace.

    So stay that sweet, tender-hearted girl
    and never let the relentless world unfurl
    The spark
    The Sunshine
    The glimmer in your eyes
    The passion
    The Innocence
    I promise it’s your birth, not your untimely demise.

    Helen Kowarik

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Helen, this is so sweet. What ultimately matters is WHO we are. Not what we look like, who we are friends with, or what we have achieved. What people will remember is our personalities and our relationships with others. You are such a kind person with such good intentions. The people who love you will always remember how sweet and loving you…read more

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